Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

Free Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales by Clarissa Black

Book: Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales by Clarissa Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarissa Black

    “What’s your name missy?” asked the man while we walked through the mud to the site of the new events building.
    “Cindee. Is there the new site map for the events building how come there hasn’t been any progress done on it?” I asked inquisitively. The event was less than a month from now and it had to be constructed as quickly as possible. It was going to be an impossibly close deadline.
    “I’m Dillon. Good to meet you ma’m.” He tipped his hardhat as to greet me. “I am the jack of all trades here ma’m. I live in the small town a few minutes away from here. I don’t know anything but construction, but they needed people so here I am. I am actually the animal protection specialist of the facility. And I help around where I can. It’s a good thing that these guys are providing us jobs because I don’t know what I’ll do without this work.”
    I agreed with him. That’s why we had to get this building constructed ready for the press event. But did he say, “Animal protection specialist?” I was confused about that -- did he mean the cows?
    “Well ma’m it’s been a little secret of the facility and I think you should know. I advise that you don’t go see them cattle ma’m. Especially alone at night. It turns out there is something killing off the cattle at night. We suspect it might a wolf. That’s why I’m here. If I can catch that stupid parasitic beast, I swear I’ll shoot it between its eyes.” Dillon said as he showed me his gun, a particular design I noted.
    “It’s Japanese ma’m. It looks futuristic ain’t it? Only gun allowed to be used in the facility,” he said as the chrome of the gun shone brilliantly against the sun. It looked more of a sniper, an advanced military grade arsenal. It looked it would shoot plasma energy bolts. I personally couldn’t handle guns, but his particular gun had such ascetic design to it, an architectural futuristic design. Like it was a gun version of a Katana , a revered Japanese sword. It looked awkward in the hands of this older man wearing mud splattered country clothes. “I see that you like it. It was given to me as part of my task to shoot down that dang wolf.”
    “Wolf? Out here in Omaha?” I pressed on as I inspected the soil, mentally tallying the amount of concrete we would need to pour in. We’d have to drain this water of the mud first then everything should fall into place.
    “Yes ma’m. I suppose these things happen. Especially with them tasty cows that we’re breeding here. Can’t blame those rascals as the beef is pretty good – top notch crem de la crem as the French would say. Anyways, I think I saw it one night. Pretty interesting story I got for you because I saw the old Japanese guy, Mr. Tanagi, right before it and I think he shot it. He had the same gun as I have.”
    The mention of the old man suddenly drew my attention. “Mr. Tanagi?”
    “Yeah the old man. He moves like a ninja though. One night during my watch he suddenly popped behind me and gave me those eerie friendly smile, like he was a cartoon or something. Anyways, that Mr. Tanagi is always out at night stalking the cow sheds or perched in roof tops. Something funny about that man though ma’m Cindee. I’d stay away from him if I were you.”
    Yeah, yeah, stay away from him. That’s what I should have done many years ago, but I insisted and that’s how I found Hideshi.

    Days peeled off the calendar. Time moves quickly when you like what you do. I was back at my apartment, away from the facility. In front of me was a sketch mold of my structural design. I peered at it, dissecting all the components that would make this structure both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Lost in time absorbed at my model, I was snapped to the present with the buzzing of my cellular phone.
    “Hey Jazzy. How you doing girl?” I said as I picked up without my eyes even leaving the

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