Bound Angel Bound Demon
down my arms, feeling soft and wet on my arms. I’ve taken the top off now, and I’m lying on the bed again and you are touching me softly with your lips on my stomach. . .” She ran her moist fingers over her stomach.
    “Put your hand on the top of your panties for me, and tell me what you feel,” his voice was getting husky. He’s enjoying this as much as I am , thought Alex.
    “ My panties are damp, I’m wet for you. I need your touch.”
    “A nd you shall get it,” said Gary, “take your panties off. I want you naked.” She did what he said.
    “ Now play with yourself, I want you to feel yourself.”
    Alex began to move her fingers inside, and circle her nub, she gave out a moan when she touched it, she could feel her juices flowing.
    “Gary I’m so hot , you’re making me so horny, I want you to hold your length for me, so we can come together.”
    “W hatever my lady wants.”
    She listened to Gary telling her he was now holding himself and slowly moving his hand up and down hi s length, imagining it was her gripping him. Alex moved her fingers faster and faster, she needed release, she moaned louder as she could feel the heat rising in her pelvis, Gary moaned also.
    “I’m going to explode,” cried Alex.
    “Do it for me, do it now,” he responded, and with that both of them released their pleasure. They had never had phone sex before, it was another first.
    “ Alex we haven’t finished just yet,” Gary said, “I want you to taste your fingers for me, and suck on them as though you are sucking on me, and with the other hand feel yourself again, I think you deserve one more.” Alex placed her finger in her mouth and began to suck while feeling herself, she was so sensitive.
    “That’s right suck hard, rub harder,” her back arched as she came again, this time she lay still and took off the blindfold and reached for the phone.
    “I love you so much Alex , you always surprise me,” said Gary.
    “I love you too, I will be home soon, sleep tight and thank you,” Alex replied.
    “Go to sleep Alex. I’ll see you soon, and thank you for tonight, I feel better.” Gary blew a kiss down the phone and hung up.
    Alex climbed under the covers, still naked. She closed her eyes, a smile came to her lips; she knew everything would be ok.

Chapter Thirteen
    Alex woke early as the sun was rising; she looked at her mobile and remembering last night she chuckled. Early morning swim is needed, she thought, and got up and picked out one of her new bikinis.
    It was quiet and she wasn’t sure what time her mom and dad had come home, they were still sleeping. She got into the pool. It hadn’t had a chance to warm up yet, but she dipped herself under to try to get used to the water, then began to swim up and down the pool.
    She felt like a great load had been lifted, she’d had a great night’s sleep and now felt she could enjoy herself. After about half an hour of swimming, she got out and went back into the house. Still no one was up. Alex went to her room and had a shower and put on one of the new dresses her mom had bought her.
    Still no sign of anyone, so Alex went in the kitchen and set about making b reakfast for everyone. Bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, the works . . . the smell did the trick, and her parents wandered in, still half asleep, smiling at the sight of Alex laying the table.
    “Morning, did you have a good night?” asked Alex as she set out the plates on the table. Her mom and dad sat down, watching her bring all the different food to the table.
    “Do you want tea? I have got a pot brewed just as you like Mom, and the coffee is done as well Dad,” Alex sung out, bringing the cups over and sitting down.
    “Some one’s feeling better I see,” laughed her dad and began to tuck into the big breakfast. Alex just gave her dad a look and winked at him.
    “Have you sorted it out with Gary then?” asked her mom.
    “Yes, we still have a few thing s to talk through, but we sorted a lot out

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