
Free Remember by Girish Karthikeyan

Book: Remember by Girish Karthikeyan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Girish Karthikeyan
get a few containers of A-tech. You have to attach each container to the port on your clothes. Just leg, right? To your pants, then. To work correctly you have to use full length mode."
    "What port?"
    "I will show you a short walk through."
    He just goes to the tv and the image changes. He explains how to use a computer to create the port. I just have to choose the accessory port on my forearm and touch the set of clothes. It looks simple.
    "As you saw, the A-tech is an external device. It has the functionality of a computer without the need for implantation. Other interaction methods over an embedded tech screen can be used. They just require a lot of practice. They go generally unused.”
    "Do I get to try it before accepting?"
    "Before it is installed, that is almost impossible. Each instance of A-tech is only set to respond to a specific user’s H-tech. Without one, you can’t use the other. "
    "How does tech work?"
    He enters into the mechanics with the ease of a well-practiced expert. He eyes stay unwavering. "It is just an intricate distributed mesh network. A large number of separate computers create a grid within your body. The finer details are too complex to understand without multiple advanced degrees. Nevertheless, the documentation details it. That will be provided after you give approval."
    "What do I have to do to begin?"
    His degree of oration drops to clumsiness. "Just sign this form, actually both forms. The one I already gave you and this one. I will also need a print, a finger print."
    "Okay, how do I give a finger print?"
    "Oh yeah, here is a print pen," Kurt says as he takes a pen and gives it to me. "You see, this device gives a notification sound when it gets a successful print. Oh, here is the form."
    "I just use this pen and that's it." I start signing without reading it much. The language is not something that can be contested. The pen chimes when contacting the paper.
    "You got it! You can keep the form after I send it in for more information. I can also transfer the forms onto one pad."
    I give him all the clear plastic pages. “I just have to scan it for our records. Here you go. Thanks for the time."
    He rushes back in, right after going out. The exertion blushes his face and neck. "I forgot to say one thing. The nurse will give you the H-tech and install the A-tech on the clothes you brought with you. Thanks, again for your time."
    "Sorry for the wait. Here's the H-tech."
    Stacy produces a large syringe of a silver translucent liquid. She attaches it to the other port on that white weightless infusion box with a short tube. The contents don't seem to move at all.
    "That will take about an hour or so. The I.V. controller," as she holds onto the white box, "will send me a message when it is done. You do know the possible side effects, right?"

Technical Issues
    Tues 4/18/17 4:03 p.m.
    "Y ou will feel drowsy."
    "Just stay calm, Conor, everything will be fine…" My drift off to sleep smothers her voice into nonexistence.
    I wake up to an almost empty room. The sofas, tv, and just the room itself entertain some ghostlike quality. I press the help switch, while examining my forearm for a screen. A picture forming, the inky streaks turn my pinkish skin to an unnatural shade of grey. Then, Stacy enters the room.
    "Good, you are finally awake."
    I slowly look up into Stacy’s waiting glance. "What happened?"
    "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about the side effects. You can expect drowsiness, blurred vision, and confusion."
    "How long have I been sleeping?"
    "It’s 9 o'clock right now, so it has been 5 hours."
    "Everything looks different."
    A patronizing look precedes an answer. "Until you adjust to the tech, anything that has tech inside will look different. It should become better tomorrow."
    "Thank you."
    "You should just get something to eat and go to bed. What do you want to eat?"
    "I will take option C15 like earlier, please."
    "Here you go." Stacy

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