A Mom for Callie

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Book: A Mom for Callie by Laura Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Bradford
know. But what she did know was simple.
    She was falling for Kyle Brennan.
    Officer Kyle Brennan.
    Was she crazy for allowing herself to get tied up with a police officer—a person who swore to protect the public at all cost? Was she insane to put her heart on the line once again—knowing that this time it was actually engaged?
    Probably. But being a police officer in Cedar Creek, Illinois, was a far cry from its big-city counterpart. Here, people left their doors unlocked at night. Here, people retired for the evening when the sun went down. And here, everyone knew everyone.
    It was okay. Falling for Kyle Brennan was okay.
    She peered at the microwave clock, making note of how long she had before being with Kyle again. Six hours would be more than enough time to get a little writing in, get herself showered and dressed and to prepare a picnic lunch that would appeal to both Callie and her dad.
    The ring of her cell phone put an instant stop to the mental inventory of her refrigerator, the jingle it boasted signaling a call she couldn’t ignore.
    Marsha Greene had been her editor since day one with Yorkshire Publishing and, for the most part, it had been a relationship of mutual respect. Lately, though, things had been different and it was Betsy’s fault.
    Lifting the phone from her purse, she flipped it open and held it to her cheek. “Good morning, Marsha.”
    â€œWhat can I do for you today?”
    â€œYou can tell me when you’ll deliver your next book so I can stop looking at the floor every time my boss asks me that question.”
    She could hear the stress in the woman’s voice and rushed to reassure her. “You’ll have it on your desk in six months.”
    â€œSix months is much too long, Betsy. Especially for a book we should have had six months ago.”
    â€œMarsha, I’ve been trying. I just didn’t have anything that could come close to what you need from me.”
    â€œAnd now you do?”
    Betsy sat in front of her computer and opened the file that would, eventually, be her next novel. Other than her name and address in the top left corner, she had nothing.
    Not on paper anyway.
    â€œYes, I do. It’s been percolating in my mind almost nonstop the past few days and I think I’m ready to go.”
    â€œThen go. I’ll be expecting it on my desk by the first of August.”
    She rolled her mouse over the calendar icon on her toolbar and clicked, the year-at-a-glance feature causing a reflexive swallow. “That’s three months away.”
    â€œYes, it is.”
    A slew of protests sprang up inside her throat only to be swallowed back down. She’d only herself to blame after her nearly yearlong pity party. Now it was high time to put an end to the festivities and begin the long-awaited cleanup process on her life.
    Squaring her shoulders, she inhaled deeply, determined not only to get back in the game but also to win one for the team. “You’ll have it on your desk by the first of August.”
    â€œB RENNAN , M URPHY…IN HERE , now. ”
    Kyle glanced at his partner as they stopped, in unison, outside the lieutenant’s door, the man’s bluntness as much a given around the department as off-color jokes and tall tales. In fact, it was the rare occasion when their boss was polite that they had reason to worry.
    â€œLieutenant, you’re looking well.”
    â€œShut your piehole, Murphy.”
    â€œI’ll do that, sir.” Tom threw his shoulders back as he clicked his heels and came to parade rest.
    Kyle rolled his eyes then cut to the chase. “What’s up, Lieutenant?”
    â€œMy antennae…as should be yours, Brennan.” Doug Grady pushed his chair back and stood, his stance one of tension. “We’ve got a problem.”
    â€œA problem?” He stole a glance at his partner, confirming that he, too, was clueless as to the direction of this

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