A Mom for Callie

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Book: A Mom for Callie by Laura Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Bradford
cocked his head as he smoothed her hair from her face. “Who is?”
    â€œMiss Anderson.” Callie yawned, her words growing softer and more difficult to discern. “And she’s really, really nice, too.”
    As his daughter’s eyes drooped closed, he bent over and kissed her softly on the cheek. “Yes, she is. On both counts.”
    Once he was sure his daughter was fast asleep, he headed back out to the living room and a waitingBetsy, his heart rate accelerating as she came into view. “Thanks for waiting.” Placing his hand on the small of her back, he guided her through the kitchen door and out into the now-empty backyard. “I’m glad you came tonight. I really enjoyed having you here.”
    â€œI enjoyed being here. I can’t tell you the last time I had this much fun.”
    He stole a glance at her face as they walked between their homes, their bodies fitting easily through a gap in the hedge line. “Any chance you’d be up for some more tomorrow?”
    â€œMore what?”
    The soft, melodic sound of her laughter brought an instant smile to his lips. “Will there be burgers involved?” she asked.
    â€œNow you sound like Callie.” He reached for her arm as they approached her back door, turning her slightly so their eyes met. “I was thinking more along the lines of a picnic at the park for just the three of us. Maybe some sandwiches, some chips, some fruit.”
    Her hand came down on his, her eyes sparkling in the glow of the moon. “Ooh, let me pack it. To repay you for such a nice time tonight.”
    â€œYour smile is all the payment I need.”
    She blushed. “Please. I’d like to do this.”
    â€œOkay. Say three o’clock?”
    â€œYou don’t have to work tomorrow?” she asked.
    â€œI’ve got a six-to-two tomorrow. But enough about that…” He stepped closer, reveled in the feel of her body in such close proximity to his own. Lifting her chin with his fingers, he closed his mouth over hers, felt the sensuous heat as his tongue slid between her lips—teasing, exploring, tasting. Their tongues dancedwith one another as she molded against him, her arms snaking around his neck as his hands found her tiny waist. He pulled her toward him, wanting her to feel his attraction, to know—beyond a shadow of a doubt—how much he wanted her at that moment.
    Finally she pulled away, the longing in her eyes surely a mirror of his own. “You need to get back…to Callie. But I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
    He reached out, held her face in his hand as he soaked up every detail of her expression, committing it to memory. “I can hardly wait.”

Chapter Seven
    Betsy padded into the kitchen, her pink slippers making a soft tapping sound on the linoleum. For the first time in months she’d slept through the night, hope winning out over the nightmares and regrets that ordinarily drove her from bed before dawn. And it was all because of Kyle Brennan.
    Or, rather, the slack she’d finally cut herself where he was concerned.
    He was fun.
    He was sweet.
    He was a loving and attentive father.
    He was accomplished at the grill.
    He was gorgeous.
    And he was an amazing kisser.
    Closing her eyes, she leaned against the counter and inhaled the memory of his lips on hers, savored the passion that fired between them as their backyard goodbye had threatened to become an all-night affair. The verbal details of their impending picnic in the park had melted on their tongues as his lips strayed from hers in search of her chin, her neck, her shoulders—a methodically sensual exploration that had been cut short by a strange sound behind Kyle’s house.
    In a split second their moment had ended, Kyle’s hand finding hers for a quick squeeze before running back toward his home and Callie. What the sound was, or what exactly had caused it, she didn’t

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