EMMA (Mail-Order Brides Club, #1)
the subtle reminder that she had a small child with her might make him go away.
    But no such luck.
    "Isn't that sweet. I'm sure they won't mind if you're delayed a bit. Let's go inside and relax, shall we?" His tone had a bit of steel in it now and Emma tried to stall, hoping against hope that Ethan would be home soon and wondering why Russell Jones was here instead of in town. She frowned at that, wondering if their plan had been completely derailed.
    "Penny for your thoughts?" Russell's tone was ominous. "About that tea?"
    "Fine, we'll have tea." Emma walked quickly toward the house, hoping to slam the door behind her, but Russell kept pace with her easily and held the door firmly open as she walked inside.
    Emily was sitting on the floor, playing with her doll, and looked up in surprise and confusion when she saw Russell Jones.
    "Emily, go to your room, now." Emma's tone left no room for questions and Emily did as she was asked. Emma then filled a teakettle with water and set it in middle of the stove, where it would heat up most quickly.
    She stood a good distance away, but Russell quickly closed the gap and sidled up next to her.
    "I've been looking forward to this," he said, and the image of a reptile flicking its forked tongue came to Emma's mind. Immediately, she took a step away from him, but he smiled and simply stepped towards her. "I think we’re going to enjoy getting to know each other better. Don't you agree?"
    Emma shivered in response, which Russell noticed and took the opportunity to put his arm around her shoulders and draw her near.
    "Cold my dear? I'll warm you up." Emma struggled to get free of his grip and he responded by tightening it.
    "I do love a woman who plays hard to get." He was enjoying this game while Emma felt like throwing up.
    "So, tell me, dear Emma, how are you enjoying all the benefits of married life?"
    At her confused look, he somehow understood that she hadn't yet had that experience.
    "You haven't yet had the pleasure? Are you telling me yours isn't a real marriage? That's the most wonderful news I've heard all day."
    Emma simply stared at him in horror, while he chuckled with delight.
    "Oh, Emma, I'm going to give you an afternoon to remember. You'll be able to teach Ethan a thing or two after I finish with you."
    A s they were about to pass by Ethan's farm on the way to Russell's place, Ethan was surprised to see that the buggy was still out front with the horses hitched to it. They were usually at his mother's place by now. They must just be running late. With the horses ready to go, Emma must be leaving any moment. They continued past the house and then Ethan pulled up short and the sheriff followed suit.
    "I'm just going to swing into the house for a moment, make sure everything is all right.” Something had looked off and when they pulled up beside the buggy he realized what it was. There was another horse, tied up just beyond the house, so you wouldn't easily notice if you were passing by. Ethan's gut tightened as he flew off his horse and raced into the house just as Russell was leaning in to kiss Emma, his Emma. Russell stopped and turned at the sound of Ethan crashing through the door and Emma broke free of his grasp and did something that Ethan would never forget. In what looked like a purely reflex action, she grabbed the whistling tea kettle and flung boiling water across Russell's face. He screamed and fell to the floor just as the sheriff walked through the door.
    "Russell's here?" He stated the obvious. Ethan ran to Emma and pulled her in tight.
    "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He held his breath, waiting for her to answer.
    "No, I'm okay. Just a little shaken up."
    "Where's Emily? Is she okay?"
    "She's fine. She's in her room."
    "What the hell were you doing here, Russell?" Ethan turned his anger on the man who was now whimpering on the floor. "Wasn't it enough that you stole my cattle? You wanted to hurt my wife, too?"
    "I didn't want to hurt her. I just

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