Southern Shifters: Bearing the Ink (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Black & White Book 3)

Free Southern Shifters: Bearing the Ink (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Black & White Book 3) by Lissa Matthews

Book: Southern Shifters: Bearing the Ink (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Black & White Book 3) by Lissa Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lissa Matthews
Tags: Romance
    “Do you think you’ll ever know?”
    “No. I don’t expect to know.”
    “I’m glad you were found and taken in, that you grew up with a family.”
    “It could’ve been worse,” he remarked softly. He wished he had more to offer Bex by way of explanation, or feelings on the subject, but truth was, it made his stomach roll and turn. If he thought too much about it, he’d be sick. That’s the way it always happened when he thought too much about his real parents and how they’d died, when he thought he could’ve been killed too. For those early years, he wished he had. He’d missed his mother so much. Meryl had done her best to show him as much love as she showed to her own children and eventually he learned to accept it and lean on it, but only so much. In the back of his mind was always the thought of what if? What if something happened to Meryl? What if something happened to all of them?
    Gus shook his head and sat back. The outlining on each of the paw prints was done and he loved the effect on Bex’s skin. She was so light skinned that the dark lines contrasted beautifully. The paws would move with her, be a part of her as much the bear inside her would be. They were an outward representation of the animal within.
    He slipped his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture. “Here.” He handed the device over and smiled when she gasped. She liked it. He knew that sound. Every satisfied client let go that same breathy sound. Of course, with Bex it was different. He knew every sound she made, whether in pain or pleasure, happy or sad.
    He asked anyway. “What do you think?”
    “I love it.”
    “A little. I didn’t know I would. I mean… It’s stark and striking. Is it done?”
    “No. I have shading to do on the paws and a few other details to add. It’ll be beautiful when I’m finished.”
    “It’s already beautiful.”
    “It’s also addictive. You’ll want more.”
    “Is that why you have so many?”
    “Part of the reason, yes.”
    “And the other part?”
    “Self expression. Documentation, maybe. Places I’ve been. Things I love. Things that make me who I am.”
    “I love them. When we were out at the pond today, I wondered if the skin beneath your fur carried your tattoos.”
    “I honestly don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised though. It’s not something I’ve ever tried to find out.”
    “When you move as a bear, your fur changes shades. You’re beautiful and terrifying.”
    “Terrifying? Oh, pretty girl…”
    “I’m not scared of you, but if I didn’t know anything about you and happened upon you as a bear… Yes, terrifying.”
    “You’ll want to take something tonight for aches. Your muscles have been through a lot today and you’re going to wake up terribly sore.”
    “What about the ink?”
    “I’ll take care of it for you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re going to be the envy of every person you meet who has tattoos.”
    “Because you live with me. You have your very own tattoo artist in residence.”
    “You really are cocky.” Bex muttered, then shifted on the table and swung her legs over the side. Gus rolled his stool between her thighs and wrapped his arms around her hips. His head rested against her chest and her hands cradled his neck. She was the calm in the midst of turmoil. “We’re going to be all right, aren’t we?”
    “Better than.”
    “How can you be sure?”
    “Because I saw how fearless you were around two injured wolves. You saw grown men, their own pack mates back away from holding them down. You were there in an instant. You have compassion, Bex, and in the end, that compassion will help save us.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “It’s not the violence that gets things done. It’s the tender understanding that does.”
    “Doesn’t seem that way.”
    “I know.”
    “Y’all are cute and I hate to break up the lovefest, but Gus you need to come downstairs.”
    Gus sat up

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