Mark of the Princess

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Book: Mark of the Princess by B.C. Morin Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.C. Morin
it sounds like you had fun". Celina said, trying to spark a conversation between them as they all began walking away from the stables.
    "Yes, we had a great time accompanying Princess Alannah and her sister Evyette". Kaleb said.
Celina’s blood began to boil, she wanted to grab that bracelet out of the satchel and put it on his wrist right then and there.
    "Wonderful." She managed, the shorter her answers were the easier it was for her to hide her discontent.
    Tristan turned to face them both and broke the awkward silence that had followed the last response. "Well, I have to go by my home for a bit. I'll catch up with you later so we can escort Alannah and Evyette." He nodded at Kaleb a wide grin spreading across his face before waving to Celina.
    “Yes, I will see you later Trist.”
    “Kaleb," Celina said, jumping in before he could dismiss himself as well. "Would you like to go for a walk?"
    Kaleb hesitated a bit "Well, sure however I cannot take too long."
    * * *
    Alannah and Evyette sat outside their home in a daze. The conversations ran deep about emotions, love, and the dragons they had seen the day before. Alannah's eyes had been opened. The world was not as sweet as she thought, there was still war, and there was still pain. People and creatures suffered, and her heart hurt for them.
    They stood and began to walk, the conversation turning from dragons to love, careful not to mention the encounter with the Rogue Faeries so that they would not be forbidden to leave again with Kaleb and Tristan.
    "Evyette, I don't know about this. I have never had this feeling before. I have a strange sensation in my stomach when I'm with him. I want to know him in every way and yet I am so comfortable with him that I feel like I have known him all my life! How could I feel this way if we have only just met?”
    "I know exactly what you mean." Evyette responded, smiling widely.
    Greer walked behind them rolling his eyes.
    Evyette glanced behind them. "Do you think he can hear us?" She asked Alannah quietly.
    "I don't know. I just hate that father has him following us again." Alannah grumbled.
    "Well, we can't complain too much. He did let us go alone with Kaleb and Tristan for most of the day. That, in itself is a miracle".
    "So true!" Alannah laughed.
    The girls looked up to see the source of some rustling in the trees above but saw nothing.
    "When do think we should head over for dinner," Alannah asked, looking behind her to make sure Greer was not listening. "Do you know ,"Alannah stopped in her tracks. The slight hum of Greer's wings had stopped, and he was nowhere in sight. "Greer?" Alannah and Evyette began looking around.
    "Where are you?" Evyette asked anxiously.
    "Greer" Alannah called out, her voice a bit shaky from her nerves.
    The girls began walking back slowly the way they came, looking behind the surrounding trees. Their concerns began to grow when they heard no response, as Greer wasn't exactly the type to play jokes. The girls heard rustling in the trees once again but still saw nothing.
    "Alannah, I don't like this!" Evyette exclaimed in alarm.
    "I know. Something just isn't right. Let's go back and let father know that something might be going on." Alannah said, still searching frantically.
    "I agree. But let's look around once more for Greer.”
    "You're right Evyette."
    The girls began searching again but in opposite directions, they turned over leaves, moved branches and rocks and found nothing.
    "Evyette, I think we should go. I'm not feeling good about this at all." Alannah called out turning to face her sister. “Evyette?" Alannah shouted in horror when she did not see her sister. She began to head to the area that her sister was checking. Oh no . She thought to herself, what is going on?! Alannah walked cautiously, looking around and continued to call out for Evyette and Greer. I've got to get out of here. I have to tell father she thought to herself as she turned to head back.
    Unexpectedly, her feet became

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