Mark of the Princess

Free Mark of the Princess by B.C. Morin

Book: Mark of the Princess by B.C. Morin Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.C. Morin
to look for Tristan but saw only a few shadows among a group of trees nearby.
    The smaller fae and his double walked carefully among the trees, searching all around and even up in case Tristan had climbed to get away. “Where are you, coward?” The small fae yelled, spinning in a circle trying to avoid being surprised. As he passed one of the pines, an arm covered in bark reached out punching the fae in face, knocking him out instantly. The copy of the fae saw what happened and quickly ran toward the tree preparing to stab. Tristan quickly released his hold and threw himself onto the ground as the copy dug his blade into the bark of the tree. Struggling to get it out, he looked at Tristan who thrusted his sword into the copy causing it to disintegrate.
    Tristan ran out of the trees just as Kaleb was approaching.
    “I was starting to worry about you, Trist.”
    “You should know better than that.” Tristan smirked, walking quickly with Kaleb to the girls who had already brought the horses around.
    “Let’s go before he finally makes his way up.” Alannah half yelled, motioning to the taller fae that had just manifested his wings and released his hold on the ledge. He hovered for a moment seeing that his companion had not returned and fled quickly to the nearby trees to find him.
    They quickly sheathed their swords and daggers once more and mounted up, heading back to the forests, leaving the attackers behind.

~ Chapter 8~
    "Sire, I do not like this one bit. I understand that you trust the Prince of Talom. But I feel I should be with them. Who knows what they are out doing!" Greer exclaimed, pacing the castle floors nervously.
    “Greer, I am not happy either that they are without our guards, but being with the Prince and his friend, I would imagine they are quite safe. As much as I would like to, I cannot continue to restrict them as much as I have thus far.”
    "She will be home soon Greer. I can feel it." The Queen assured him in a gentle voice. Her tone and words calmed the creature for all of one minute and then he began pacing again.
    “Kaleb, thank you for protecting us from those Rogue Faeries,” Alannah spoke quietly, her chin nestled in his neck and her lips next to his ear to ensure he could hear her above the winds.
    Chills ran up his spine at her closeness, “It was nothing, Alannah. He clearly had intent to harm, and was eyeing you,” He turned his head to the side to look at her, finding that she was a mere inches from his face. He marveled at her pleading green eyes and full lips. He watched the wind whip her hair behind her as the sun was setting and it all appeared to be going in slow motion. “I was not going to allow him to hurt you.” He said softly, fighting the urge to kiss her and wondering if she was doing the same.
    The Pegasus landed just in front of the castle walls, tucking their wings away as the faeries began to dismount. Greer came running out the castle doors as the four fae walked up the steps. He said nothing, but looked them over for any sign of injury as if he knew what had happened.
    “Greer, what are you doing” Evyette asked sweetly.
    “Well, I am simply making sure that you and your sister are alright.” He said, titling his head back as though it was a perfectly common thing to do. “You left without me this morning and sent nothing but a tiny dragon with a message, to inform us that you would be with the Prince and his friend.” He looked at Kaleb and Tristan and scowled slightly as they stifled a laugh at his over-protectiveness.
    “Well, as you can see we are just fine.” Alannah made sure to keep her tone neutral so as not to offend him, knowing that he is to be looking after her. She walked past him patting him on the head lightly, although knowing it would silently irritate him.
    The four fae walked past the guards at the door and directly to the gathering room where Alannah assumed her parents would be.
    “Mother, Father, I believe you know Kaleb

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