Free B00528UTDS EBOK by Lorraine Kennedy

Book: B00528UTDS EBOK by Lorraine Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorraine Kennedy
beach. He must have gone away like he’d told her he would.
    Her eyes strayed to the shadows that were gathering in the woods. She could not help but wonder if there someone else out there - someone that would be a lot more dangerous than Darrien. Though anything was possible, Sarah doubted any vampire would dare attack her with the coven so close. One witch may not be so difficult to deal with, but an entire coven was another matter.
    Since Darrien’s revelations about her past and who she was, Sarah’s mind had been in a whirlwind. Whoever Darrien was, she felt a connection with him that she had never felt with anyone else. Now that he was gone, it was as if an important part of her was missing.
    Then there were all of the questions - questions that she just didn’t have answers for. Was she really the daughter of a vampire, and the reincarnated spirit of her long dead ancestress?
    Once she’d been brought into the coven, Sarah intended to get some answers from her aunt. Maybe she could even find out more about what happened to her mother? The ritual for honoring the summer solstice was now underway, Sarah could hear the members of the coven chanting in the distance. When they had concluded the ritual, someone would come to get her.
    Though the ritual for the summer solstice lasted only a short time, to Sarah it felt like hours. Finally Taylor emerged from the darkness and stepped into the clearing. He wore a dark blue robe with a large hood pulled over his head. Without saying a word to her, Taylor covered her eyes with a blindfold and took her by the hand.
    Sarah could see nothing, but she sensed when they had come into the larger clearing. She knew that Taylor would lead her to the altar where Aunt Jeanie was waiting for her. Jeanie was the high priestess of the Coven of Lazar, and had been since the day her grandmother had passed into the afterlife.
    “Who approaches the sacred altar of the god and goddess?” It was her aunt’s voice.
    “I bring you one that seeks the wisdom of the coven. I bring you one that will honor the god and goddess,” Taylor answered.
    “By what name will you be known as a member of the Coven of Lazar?” Jeanie asked.
    “Caroline.” The name slipped out before she’d even had time to think about what she was saying.
    “Enter the sacred circle of the coven and kneel before the gods.”
    Sarah stepped forward, entering the sacred space that was filled with the presence of the gods, and the spirits of her ancestors. She knelt before the altar.
    Aunt Jeanie’s voice was distant and far away. The air was hot - so hot that she could not get any oxygen from it. She was gasping, trying to draw in more air, but it was too thin, and too hot to breathe. The world went dark, and then she was somewhere else.
    Luis was screaming, calling her name over and over again. Her husband had gone to the barn to check on the animals. They’d been restless all night, and he was worried a wolf was about - just waiting to get to their milking cows and chickens.
    She peered down at her shoes, but they were not hers. The brown leather was worn, and she could see her stockings peeking out of the seams. The long skirt was also faded and tattered. She was no longer Sarah, but Caroline.
    Rushing from the small farmhouse, she raced to the barn where she could still hear Luis screaming. Just as she reached for the barn door to pull it open, Luis’ screams faded and the night was once again silent.
    Caroline yanked the door open. What greeted her was more horrifying than anything she could have imagined.
    She was a witch, this shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. The mystical creatures known as vampires were something that all witches knew about, but few ever actually encountered them. The form that hovered over her husband, jumped back when she opened the door. He’d retreated into the darkness, out of the reach of the bright moonlight that entered through the open doorway.
    Caroline wanted to scream,

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