Medusa's Dagger: A New Adult Urban Fantasy (Aya Harris Collection Book 1)

Free Medusa's Dagger: A New Adult Urban Fantasy (Aya Harris Collection Book 1) by Lacy Andersen

Book: Medusa's Dagger: A New Adult Urban Fantasy (Aya Harris Collection Book 1) by Lacy Andersen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacy Andersen
that, he took his first victim. And another. And yet another. The SI couldn’t find him. The HQ couldn’t kill him. He was unstoppable.
    My family history was still bogging down my mind when I finally made it home that evening. I hadn't thought about Nicky in so long. After he left home to begin his killing spree, I'd made certain to leave Illinois and go to school far away, settling in Arcana where no one knew me or my past.
    But, at the back of my mind, the thought remained - Nicky would come for me someday. He'd come hunting for me and slaughter me, just like he did the rest of his victims. Either that, or the HQ would find me first, and punish me for refusing to stop my brother. Neither future was very appealing.
    Gideon's wine glass still sat on the kitchen counter. Half full of the dark red liquid, it suddenly looked an awful lot like fresh blood. I poured it down the sink and rinsed out the glass, washing away the reminder of the blood on my hands.
    Sure, I could turn Nicky into the SI. I could tell Gideon about him and betray my own brother. But, it wouldn't help anything. I didn't know where Nicky was keeping his victims. The less I got involved, the better. Besides, my presence might only enrage him further. Who knew what would happen to the Yonas family then?
    As if on cue, a knock sounded at my apartment door. It had to be Gideon. He seemed to have a way of showing up at the least opportune times. I swung the door open, ready to stare him down, when I came face-to-face with a giant black camera lens.
    A man with bulky arms was holding it in front of his face. Standing next to him was Ian Welch, horse-teeth and all. His smile almost cracked his face, he was straining so hard to keep it on.
    "Ms. Harris, we'd like to ask you a few questions about the horrid crime that occurred in your building. Do you have a minute for us?" He pushed a microphone with a royal blue foam head in my face.
    "No, I don't want to talk with you."
    I pushed the door closed, but Ian stuck his foot between the frame and the door.
    "The SI is being very secretive. We know there's more to the story. What have you heard?"
    I resisted the urge to stomp on his foot. "Nothing. I know nothing more than you. That family is gone and it's horrible. Now please, get out of my apartment."
    "But, sources have said you've been spotted with Agent Gideon Ward. Are you assisting him?"
    The microphone swung back in my face.
    "Who told you that? No, I'm not assisting him."
    Ian's smile didn't crack. "Then, are you a person of interest?"
    "Are you sleeping with Agent Ward?"
    This time I didn't hesitate - I drove the heel of my boot into the top of Ian's shiny Italian loafer. A partially human, but mostly demon screech ripped from his throat. I had just enough time to slam the door shut before he banged on it, demanding I let him back in.
    Pressing my back to the door, I slid to the floor and waited for Ian's temper tantrum to end. It didn't take long. He was an award winning journalist, after all, and he knew a dead end when he saw one. Soon enough, he moved to the neighbors, banging on their doors for a comment.
    I wasn't sure who ratted me out to Ian Welch. Gideon had walked me inside yesterday after driving me home. But he'd gone straight to the Yonas' apartment, and I'd trudged up the stairs to my own. I'm not sure how that made me look like a person of interest, or Gideon's lover.
    I glanced at the clock. Round two of my blind dates was due in an hour. I could've used that time to get dolled up and make an effort, but enough was enough. Instead, I poured myself a glass of Pinot Gris and cuddled up on the couch with a copy of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern . I needed an imaginary world full of imaginary people to distract me from the mess of my own life.
    By the time my date arrived, I was fully immersed in the book. When he knocked at the door, I considered pretending I wasn't home, but then abandoned the idea. That’d be cruel. It wasn’t

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