When Love Awaits

Free When Love Awaits by Johanna Lindsey

Book: When Love Awaits by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
herself mounted and penetrated before she realizedwhat was happening. She cried out as he entered her, but that pain was short and soon became only a dull throb. She lay there dazed, amazed that she was being bedded instead of beaten.
    Rolfe was amazed as well. She was a virgin after all. That meant his conclusions were wholly untrue. She had stabbed him on purpose, had meant to stab him. That realization made him finish with her quickly. Having done so, he promptly fell asleep.
    He did not snore this time, but Leonie knew her husband was asleep. Well, she was no longer a maiden. Because she lacked desire for him, his taking her had been painful. But it was a pain she could bear if she had to—though she would not have to if she were sent away. Holding that hope close to her, willing it to be so, she fell asleep.

Chapter 11
    L EONIE was awakened rudely when a troop of women barged into her room early the next morning. She had barely awakened before the bedcurtains were thrown aside and she was whisked out of bed.
    The sheets were removed and taken out of the room to be displayed, as was the custom. But the ritual was forgotten when one of the ladies caught sight of Leonie’s face and gave a startled exclamation.
    Leonie turned her back and hid her face in her hands, giving the unfortunate appearance that she was crying. Questions rose loudly. The women wanted to know what was wrong with her, but Leonie would neither speak nor turn around.
    It was Amelia who took charge, ushering the ladies out. Someone draped Leonie’s bedrobe over her shoulders, making her aware for the first time that she had been standing there naked, with only her long hair to cover her. She put the robe on, and then her veil was thrust at her.
    Leonie looked up to nod curtly at Judith before she donned the veil. Only her stepmother and Lady Amelia were left in the room with her. Of her husband, there was no sign.
    “Who were those women?” Leonie asked.
    “It was remiss of your husband that you did not meet them at the feast,” Judith replied, “but you willno doubt come to know them soon enough. They are the wives and daughters of knights who serve your husband. I understand they were even allowed to follow the army when Sir Rolfe was but a mercenary. Most unusual circumstance. It could not have been easy to find quarters for them in each town. Is that not so, Lady Amelia?”
    “I know nothing of that.”
    “No, of course you would not,” Judith purred. “I forget that you have not been with Sir Rolfe very long.”
    This bit of hostility wasn’t the only thing that displeased Amelia. She had been thoroughly put out to see the virgin blood on the sheets, positive as she was that Rolfe would not touch his wife.
    “You missed mass, Leonie,” Judith remarked disapprovingly. “But you were not the only one. Your father is still sound asleep. And since your husband has gone about his business without a word to his guests, I must assume the wedding celebration is over. There is no point in our staying.”
    “You have my leave to go, madame, if that is what is required,” Leonie replied stiffly.
    “You do not need us?” Judith asked only because it was expected.
    Leonie shook her head.
    “Then, if I can stir your father, we will go. You wish to say farewell to him? I can’t guarantee he will remember, but…”
    “Again, no.”
    “Well, we wish you the best, my dear.”
    “Of course you do,” Leonie answered tonelessly before turning her back. Dismissed, Judith left.
    “I do not blame you for disliking your stepmother,” Amelia remarked. “She is not a pleasant woman.”
    Leonie was in no mood for conversation with thisone either. “If you will be good enough to have my maid sent to me, I need not trouble you further, Lady Amelia. I would have a bath and tray of food brought here, as I do not mean to leave this room today.”
    Amelia’s lips tightened. “As you will, my lady,” she said curtly, hoping she would soon be rid of

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