Blade to the Keep

Free Blade to the Keep by Lauren Dane

Book: Blade to the Keep by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
childhood bedroom.
    It was ridiculous and taboo and really hot all at once.
    He made her think with her pink parts and she couldn’t find it within herself to protest.
    He pressed himself against her, grinding his cock over her pussy until she gasped and relaxed, giving over to him.
    “There she is,” he muttered into her mouth as his hands skimmed up her belly to cup her breasts.
    “Who?” She joked rather than focus on the tenderness of his tone. “I thought we were alone.”
    He laughed, pushing her harder to the arch as he kissed down her throat, laving over her thundering pulse.
    “I want the Rowan who only I see.” He spoke against her collarbone before raining kisses over it to the hollow of her throat.
    “If I give her to you, will you put your dick in her? Soonish?”
    He laughed again. “Incorrigible.”
    “You can have my dick in you any time you please, Rowan. It’s one of the services I provide. Also, the word dick seems a little—”
    She slid her hand down the front of his trousers and grasped his cock, squeezing. “A little vulgar?” Rowan nipped his lip, tugging until he groaned. “Dirty?”
    There was something about him that drove her to delight. To be filthy because she knew he loved it.
    “Mmm. But you like it.”
    He thrust into the fist she’d made around him. “Apparently. My cock has terrible judgment. We’ve established that.”
    He took that moment to pinch her left nipple through the material of her bra.
    Oh, how she wanted him and right that very moment. They could talk about Victoriana after she’d come a few times. “Now might be the time to give me that cock, Scion.”
    “With pleasure, Hunter. I’ve missed being inside you.” He spun her, backing her toward the bed, and that’s when a knock sounded on the door.
    She froze, willing the person to go away. But then she heard David get up to deal with it and—regretfully—she pushed Clive back with a curse.
    “Cockblocking motherfuckers,” she muttered, straightening her clothing and getting to the doors just as David poked a head in. Thank goodness it hadn’t happened two minutes later or she’d be a lot more naked and a lot more annoyed.
    “I’ve got some flowers for you.” Cataline bustled into the room, giving a snort when she caught sight of Clive sitting ever so calmly in a chair by a window. “Evening, Scion.”
    “Clive, do you know Cataline? She’s been with Theo for a very long time. She also used to french braid my hair every day.” Washed the blood from Rowan’s clothes too.
    “We have met a time or two, yes.” Clive unfolded himself and took Cataline’s hands in his, bending low to kiss her knuckles. Cataline blushed prettily and Rowan wanted to kiss Clive smack on the lips for being so sweet.
    And then Cataline was back to business. “Wear the lily in your hair. He sent them to you specifically. I’ll be back in an hour to help you get ready for the dinner. Your young David has agreed to let me help you out with your preparations for old time’s sake.” Cataline pointed to the tray she brought with her. “Tea and some sandwiches. Keep your blood sugar right.”
    She hustled out and Rowan turned back to him. “Since we’ve had cold water tossed on our potential fucking plans, guess we’ll go on that walk now.”
    “Have some tea first. She’s right, and if I know how this night will be, you’ll need the fuel to keep from lopping heads off.”
    “It’s a delight that you know me so well.”
    “Will you wear the lily?” he asked, watching her pour out.
    She frowned and he hid a smile.
    “I don’t wear flowers in my hair. I’ll look like a dumbass if I do. It’s not the prom, it’s a professional dinner.”
    He slid his hand around to cup her neck. “You’d look beautiful with flowers in your hair.”
    She sniffed and leaned into his touch for a brief moment before she pulled away. “Drink your tea and don’t hog all the cookies.”


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