Degrees of Passion

Free Degrees of Passion by Michelle M. Pillow

Book: Degrees of Passion by Michelle M. Pillow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle M. Pillow
Tags: Contemporary
skiing for spring breaks. He never did.
    ‘Yeah, but I’ll be working on my masters project. I doubt I’ll have time for skiing.’
    ‘But I thought you said your father had people who’d help you on your masters project.’
    ‘Someone will have to oversee them. My name can’t just go on anything.’
    ‘Trevor, I don’t get it. You couldn’t have said something earlier?’ Like maybe the other night between dinner and sex? How hard would it have been for him to give her a little heads up? Sasha took a deep breath, not liking the way her heart began to ache in her chest, like a thousand tiny needles were being shoved into it at once.
    ‘I didn’t want our last days together to be sad. I thought it best to wait.’
    ‘Until a few hours before your flight?’ Sasha leaned forwards, pushing the cappuccino aside. Hot liquid sloshed over the rim of the cup, hitting her hand. She flinched, shaking the scalding liquid from her flesh with several hard flicks of her wrist. ‘Ow, damn it!’
    ‘Don’t cuss. It’s not ladylike,’ he scolded. ‘And try not to raise your voice. People are looking.’
    Sasha ignored the reprimand. ‘How could you not tell me? What about us? Or did that not concern you?’
    ‘It’s only for three months, maybe six, but most likely three. You have this new internship. I’ll be working. You won’t even notice I’m gone.’ Trevor took her burned hand in his, lifting it to his mouth to press a small kiss on the reddened flesh. Lashes swept over his devilishly charismatic eyes and he bit his lip. ‘We’ll still talk on the phone. And –’ he reached to his side, revealing a rather large gift bag ‘– we will still see each other. I thought you could hook this up to your computer and we could . . .’ He let his words trail off, but the meaning was clear.
    Sasha peeked into the bag. He’d bought her a webcam.
    ‘How much time do you have before you have to be at the internship?’ He licked his mouth, a slow, measured act to draw her attention. The man knew how to seduce for her eyes followed every sweeping centimeter. Her lips parted of their own accord. ‘I would really love it if you accompanied me to a more private locale.’
    Sasha glanced around, momentarily jarred from her thoughts. So much for her causing a scene, none of the patrons paid the young couple any mind. ‘There really isn’t any—’
    ‘Follow me to the restroom,’ Trevor said.
    ‘Here? But . . .’
    It wasn’t the first time he’d suggested something so bold. The problem was, she couldn’t tell half the time if he did it to watch her blush or if he was serious. She’d never once taken him up on his suggestion that they have sex in some public place.
    ‘Come on, baby, don’t make me go on the company jet aching.’ He lifted her hand from the table and moved it beneath, close to his knee. Insistently pressing her palm to his lap, he rubbed her fingers against the stiff denim of his jeans. ‘You know how much better I feel when you suck my cock. Don’t make me take care of it myself. I’m so hard and you’re the only one who knows how to do it right.’
    Heat filled her cheeks at his words and she suppressed a laugh. ‘You’re such a gentleman.’
    ‘Can’t blame a man for trying.’ The corner of his lip twitched up. She loved his full lips, the perfect texture of them when he kissed. ‘You’re just too beautiful for words. I understand you have to go, but part of me wants to whisk you away to my bed.’
    Being with Trevor made her feel like a princess. When he looked at her with those dark eyes, she felt like she was the only person in the world. His light humor spread wherever he went, causing everyone to gravitate towards him. He was a star, a beacon, a prince. He was hers and he was leaving.
    ‘Shouldn’t we talk about this?’ Sasha tried to think of the right thing to say. ‘Is something wrong with you? Did something happen that you’re not telling me? I don’t understand

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