practically snarled, shielding out the sunshine. I turned around slowly when I heard a bunch of male laughter. “Uh, guys, why the fuck are there people in my kitchen?”
    “You had us invite them over for breakfast, remember?” Jamie said, trying not to laugh.
    “Oh, okay,” I replied as if that made any sense to me, heading towards the coffee next to the sink… Except it wasn’t there. That got me to wake up a little more and look around. “I’m not in my condo, am I?”
    “No you’re not, Kate,” Nate said, not doing very well hiding his laughter, and neither were the other guys sitting at the big kitchen table.
    “Where the fuck am I?” I growled, starting to get pissed.
    “You’re at the ranch, sweetie,” Jamie said carefully, finally realizing why the stairs had confused me. Once she said that, I was awake, but still not sober. Then everything that happened yesterday hit me like a ton of bricks and that sobered me up really quick.
    “He’s dead,” I whispered, leaning against the counter of the island, not trusting my legs anymore.
    “Yeah, he is, baby, I’m sorry,” Nate said, putting his arms around me. Of course I pushed him away and ducked under his arms.
    “It’s fine,” I assured them, and just like that my normal armor slid back into place. “Coffee?”
    “I’ll get you some,” Jamie said softly. “Go take a seat.” I just nodded and headed over to the table.
    “You okay, Kate?” Nick asked me, though it took me a minute to realize it was Nick. I glanced up and was glad there weren’t two of him at least.
    “Fine, I’m fine,” I answered. “Just need to sober up.”
    “Still drunk?” one of the other guys asked and I nodded. I gratefully took the coffee Jamie handed me. She knew I was more a latte kind of girl, so there was a lot of milk in it. I didn’t even hesitate, drinking it right away.
    “Can’t hold your liquor, Kate?” one of the other guys asked and I flipped him off, still drinking my coffee.
    “It happens when you have about seventeen or eighteen shots in the course of a few hours,” Nate drawled from where he was leaning against the stove, defending me.
    “Is that right?” Nick asked.
    “Sounds about what I remember,” I said with a shrug when I finished the coffee. “More please?” I gave her my pathetic face, pout lip and all as I handed her the empty mug.
    “What was she drinking?” I heard a deep voice ask from the corner. His voice was sexy as hell, but it would take too much effort to look that far away, so I didn’t bother.
    “Four or five shots of whiskey and about twelve or thirteen shots of Jäger,” Nate replied. “She was doing three or four at a time. Kate’s not a drinker, only seen her drunk once in the seven years I’ve known her, but nothing like last night.”
    “Unless someone beamed me up, I’m right fucking here,” I growled. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not.”
    “Yeah, and she’s lots of fun when she’s first drunk, but she’s a grouch when she’s sobering up or hungover,” Jamie threw in.
    “I’m always a fucking grouch,” I argued.
    “But we love you anyways,” she said, kissing the top of my head and giving me more coffee. “I’ve seen her drunk more often than you, Nate, but that’s only because I knew her in college.”
    “Yeah well, I’ve seen you drunk way more times than you’ve seen me,” I reminded her. “And I don’t puke out my guts nine times out of ten.”
    “Well, I’ve seen you puke out your guts,” Nate said, smiling. “That’s how I met you.” Everyone else was laughing because they didn’t understand what he just said. Jamie and Nate just froze and watched me turn slowly towards Nate. “Kate, I’m sorry, I—”
    “You’re a fucking bastard, Nate,” I sneered, smashing my coffee mug on the table as I stood, shaking with rage. “That’s beyond low for you to throw in my face.”
    “Kate, I’m sorry,” he started to say again, but I just walked out of the

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