he gets all the money in it,” I told them.
    “Fuck,” Nate groaned and took another swig of the bottle. “Is that all?”
    “Nope, he won’t know this last part, but I’ve got to change my will as well.”
    “How come?” Jamie asked, taking another drink.
    “It seems besides the ranch, I inherited Gramp’s life insurance benefits, stocks, bonds, and bank accounts,” I explained, taking another swig of the bottle as well.
    “Okay, why do you have to change your will?” Nate asked this time.
    “Because if I don’t update it, and something happens to me, since it’s from Gramp’s accounts, all that will go to Kyle as well,” I answered.
    “Makes sense,” Jamie replied. “Why am I afraid to ask how much there is?”
    “Because you’re smart, and you’ve known me for eleven years,” I answered. Suddenly I didn’t give a fuck about much and I realized something. “I’m drunk.”
    “We figured,” Nate said. “We don’t normally have to drag answers out of you like this.”
    “You guys know you’re the beneficiaries for my will, right?” I asked.
    “Yeah, we’re all each other’s beneficiaries, that’s the way we set everything up,” Jamie answered. “I mean, there are a few things I left directly to my parents, I think Nate did too. But the business and the accounts all go to each other if something happens.”
    “I know, but I don’t have anyone else to leave things to. You guys are all I have now,” I whispered.
    “You’ve got a question to ask, Kate, just ask it,” Nate pushed.
    “What amount of money would it take for you to want to see me dead?” I asked, making sure to look at both of them directly.
    “I’m going to let that go, considering the kind of day you had,” Nate replied, his anger showing. Jamie stared at me with tears in her eyes and I felt like a bitch for saying it.
    “I’m sorry, but I never thought Kyle would be willing to hurt me over the ranch before today. Shows how well I know people when it comes to my personal life. I’d rather you get pissed at me for asking, then have doubts and worry about trusting you,” I muttered softly.
    “Kyle is an asshole,” Nate said, grabbing me roughly by the shoulders and shaking me. “You know people, you’re a good judge of character, but he’s your family. No one could think that kind of thing about your own family. Besides, Jamie and I have met Kyle plenty of times and would never have thought it of him either. He hid it well, Kate. You know us. We both love you. There is no amount of money that would make us want you dead. I’d fucking give up everything I own to keep you safe.”
    He was shaking me so hard by the end that when he let me go I fell to my knees. I looked down when I realized I had made him cry too. Now I had to tell them everything or they were going to hate me for even bringing this up. Well, nothing like throwing it all out there.
    “The veterans policy and the other life insurance he had alone comes to 5.2 million dollars,” I finally said. Jamie dropped to her knees next to me and I heard a crash and assumed Nate dropped the bottle of alcohol.
    “Could you repeat that?” Nate asked, coming closer.
    “5.2 million dollars,” I parroted. “And that’s just the life insurance.”
    “Fuck,” Nate replied.
    “Have you looked at everything else yet?” Jamie asked, petting my hair.
    “No, haven’t gotten that far.” I shook my head which was stupid right then. “It’s been nonstop chaos since I pulled in this afternoon.”
    “Kate,” Nate said, kneeling in front of me, taking my chin so I had to look him in the eye. “I don’t give a flying fuck about the money, neither does Jamie. We’re worried about keeping you safe. You’ve got two assholes that are nuts pissed off at you. You’re the toughest woman I’ve ever known, hell, you’re tougher than most men I know. But you’ve been through emotional hell in your life and I think you’ve finally reached all you can

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