Love Begins with Fate

Free Love Begins with Fate by Lindsey Owens

Book: Love Begins with Fate by Lindsey Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Owens
from her ear.
    It caused a shiver to run down her spine and a small groan to escape her lips. Quickly , Will smirked again then he pushed himself up and ran after the person carrying the ball.
    Kelsey was confused. She sat there wondering what she had done in her life to deserve such a strange life. A person suddenly appeared above her.
    “What are you doing?” Ryder asked curiously as he extended a hand to her. “Did he knock you down too hard, cause I can kick his ass?”
    Kelsey blushed shaking her head and accepting Ryder’s outstretched hand. “No.”
    “Well come on then we’re winning, you’re doing a great job at distracting our opposing players.” Ryder grinned.
    Eventually the game ended with Ryder’s team winning five to four. Everyone was tired, muddy, and sweaty. “I think we’re going to head home.” Ryder said to Kelsey.
    “Sounds perfect” She admitted. The mud had begun to dry on her skin and it was irritating her.
    “Hey, I’ll see you guys later.” PJ said patting Ryder’s shoulder.
    “Hey, did you ever ask Kelsey if she knows about your mystery girl. Her and Hannah went out that night…” Ryder said looking over at Kelsey. “And I think they know who the girl might be.”
    She stiffened, gulped, and looked down , suddenly extremely interested in whatever she had in her backpack. Ryder became curious once again.
    “No… I didn’t.” PJ cocked his head slightly, “Hey girls.” He began as he walked closer to them, “do either of you know who or heard anything about the girl I was with at the club? If I do say so myself, I was a bit drunk, but I remember some parts very clearly,” He groaned remembering something.
    “Uh no,” Kelsey said shakily trying to hide the blush which was threatening her cheeks. That wasn’t what really caught Ryder’s attention though it was Hannah trying desperately to stifle a giggle. They knew something and he was going to find out exactly what it was this weekend.
    “Nope ” Hannah smirked but didn’t turn around.
    “Are you sure?” Ryder asked pushing some.
    “I do vividly remember a tattoo of stars lining her ribs and hip.” PJ said.
    Well Ryder was now relieved. He knew Kelsey nor Hannah had any tattoos what so ever so that ruled them out. His sister and the girl he was going to go after this weekend.
    “Nope, I don’t think I know anyone who has tattoos.” Kelsey shrugged not looking up at PJ.
    “Oh, okay thanks.” PJ sighed. “See ya,” He said his shoulders slumped as he shuffled away.
    “That boy’s so whipped,” Ryder chuckled “and he can’t even figure out what girl has gotten him so worked up. I do have to say though I was worried that it might be you or Hannah but neither of you has tattoos.” Ryder had said as they walked away from the field.

    Chapter 14
    “So spill,” Ryder said as he hovered in front of the bathroom door.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kelsey said quickly.
    “Oh you know…” Ryder drawled out. “I could tell you knew yesterday and today you just confirmed it.”
    “Who is she?” Ryder questioned.
    “Ryder, come on get out.” Kelsey rolled her eyes and pushing at his chest.
    “Nope… not until you tell me who your hiding.” Ryder demanded as he inched further into the bathroom.
    “Nope…” Kelsey dragged out.
    “Kelsey.” He said lowly. “I’m your twin and your brother. How come you’re hiding something from me?”
    “I have hid many things from you Ryder.” Kelsey snapped.
    Ryder’s eyes widened and his eyebrows pinched together. “What do you mean by that?”
    Kelsey sighed. “Well for one… there was that time at our birthday party before our parents split up… when I kissed one of your best friend playing spin the bottle.” She shrugged.
    “WHAT!” Ryder snapped. “I thought he was lying. You were the girl who stole PJ’s first kiss?” He let out a snort “He was so worked up about that and I gave him a black

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