Skin Walkers: Angel Lost

Free Skin Walkers: Angel Lost by Susan Bliler

Book: Skin Walkers: Angel Lost by Susan Bliler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Bliler
    “That’s the past you’re remembering.”
    At Jenny’s words Eden paled, jerking back.  “Wh-what?”
    “Your mind has reverted to a previous time.  You were with Finn, but that was many years ago.  You’ve moved on.”
    Eden’s tone went from confused to shrill. “But, he was here!”
    “I know.” Now it was Jenny’s turn to shake her head.  “I’m sorry.  I thought, if we played into what you believed, it’d help.  It didn’t. Finn was good enough to come help us out, but the fact of the matter is that you are not in a relationship with Finn, and haven’t been for many years.  You’re with someone else.”
    Eden blinked several times, her mouth falling open as she slowly turned her head to look at Monroe.  She didn’t ask, but was startled when it finally registered. For weeks she’d been trying to place the expression that flooded his face whenever he looked at her, and now, this moment, it suddenly slammed home.  It was more than hunger, more than mere respect.  Adoration. Eden shot to her feet.
    “WAIT!”  Her hands flew to her head, pressing hard at her temples.  “Just wait!” She started pacing, and when Monroe made to stand, Jenny punched a finger in his direction with a fierce, “SIT!”
    Eden kept pacing, her mind working as she struggled to take it all in.  “Let me get this straight. I got hurt, then, what?  I just forgot everything, I forgot my life?” 
    “Yes.” Jenny stood, holding out her hands placatingly.  
    “Jesus!” Eden wheezed, not stopping her pacing.
    “Do you have questions for me?”
    Monroe’s question halted her, and she chuffed a humorless sound.  “Only a million.” But she didn’t look at him, which made Jenny cast him a worried glance.
    “Hey.” Jenny stepped closer, speaking softly. “What if we take a breather?  You and I can go back down to the infirmary and let things settle.  We can talk privately, or rest, or whatever it is you’d like to do.”
    Eden nodded numbly, stepping wordlessly to the door.
    Jenny gave Monroe a sympathetic look before following. The doctor opened the door and held out her arm to usher Eden out, but Eden balked, turning back to Monroe.
    For long moments, Eden silently held Monroe’s gaze. Slowly, she offered a pained, “You didn’t have to lie to me.”
    His face fell. “Angel…”
    But she turned her back on him and left.    

Chapter 13
    Monroe fidgeted nervously, pacing the Crow’s Nest as he waited for Eden to show.  Jenny had talked Eden into having dinner with him at the Crow’s Nest in the Estate’s penthouse, and he felt like a teenager going on his first date.  For the umpteenth time, he glanced at the entrance, then once more straightened the silverware sitting on pristine linen napkins.  He’d ordered the restaurant closed for the night, and only Cindy KillsPrettyEnemy stood behind the bar, ready to serve them. 
    It felt odd, waiting like this.  Monroe never waited, not for anyone, not on any occasion. But for his Eden? He’d wait for eternity.
    The sound of the elevator pinging drew his attention to the door and sent his heart rate tripping.  He stood, sidestepping the table and taking a deep breath before straightening his tie and putting on a forced grin.  Honestly, he wanted to puke he was so damn nervous.  
    Eden stepped into the entryway and his knees nearly buckled.  He didn’t know where she’d gotten the outfit, but she was wearing a white skirt with matching sleeveless blouse eerily similar to the outfit she’d been wearing the day he’d claimed her.   
    The long fall of her chestnut hair hung in glossy waves about her shoulders.  Smooth tan legs tapered down to tiny feet encased in a pair of white flats.  He wondered if her dainty little toes were painted with her favored crimson.  Something about her feet just drew him in.  Maybe it was the fact that she was so damn ticklish on her soles that no one ever got to touch her there…no one but

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