Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind: Selected Writings of John A. Keel

Free Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind: Selected Writings of John A. Keel by John A. Keel

Book: Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind: Selected Writings of John A. Keel by John A. Keel Read Free Book Online
Authors: John A. Keel
dirigible-shaped objects were. There were no dirigibles then. A few years later, Count Von Zeppelin came along with his zeppelin. The experiments with lighter-than-air craft up to that time had been very unfortunate. They crashed, or they went about 20 miles and blew up.
    So you all have heard of these famous sightings, and we have all kinds of contact stories. Many of them compare favorably with each other, even though they were not widely circulated at the time. The majority of contact stories describe the pilots as being normal-looking people. The Judge said he thought he ran into some Japanese people, but the majority of them have described normal-looking people who could speak English very well (at least in the United States reports). There is a mysterious “woman” described in several of these. In fact, in a series of accounts ranging through Texas, Arkansas, and into California, we have three passengers described. One was an elderly man with a beard, another was a younger man, and the third was a woman. These three people – or three people like them – were apparently seen all over the country during that flap.
    Now, you know where this leads us. It sort of indicates that maybe Adamski was telling the truth after all. Maybe a lot of these other people are telling the truth, and yet their stories are contradictory.
    All of these witnesses in 1897 were told something different. Naturally, the whole world was in an uproar over this mysterious dirigible. Actually, there were a lot of them, because on the same day, you find a dirigible was seen over Chicago, one was seen over Texas, and one over London. There were
too many
of them. There must have been several of these machines flying around. You find that when witnesses approached the pilots on the ground and asked them where they were from, they all got a different answer. In only one case did the pilot mention outer space, and in that case they said that they had just built this thing, and that they were going to try to fly to Mars in it. In all of the other cases, they claimed they were local inventors from Indiana and/or Nebraska.
    In every case, they gave a different story and said that the full details of the invention would be released to the world “any day now.” In a couple of cases, they mentioned the world situation at the time (in 1897). They said that “as soon as Cuba is free,” they would release their invention to the world.
    The point is that they were deliberately lying to the witnesses. Obviously, all the witnesses, or some of them (the judge, the police officers, and so on) may not have been making up the stories. They may have made up some details, as often happens, but I think that these people were being lied to. And I think that these people today – the contactees – are being lied to.
    There is an enormous “contactee” situation going on right now, this week, throughout the country. These are what we call “silent contactees.” you never hear about them. They never make any noise. In fact, their next-door neighbors don’t know their stories. As I travel, I dig out these people. Sometimes it is a lot of hard work. Sometimes it requires two weeks of work to locate or track down one rumor and to talk with people. They all tell me basically the same things, except for the content of the messages they have received.
    Woodrow Derenberger in West Virginia says that he was told these “spacemen” come from Lanulos. And you are familiar with other stories where the names of “planets” like “clarion” and “Maser,” and so on, have been mentioned.
    The truth is that the “flying saucers”
don’t want us to know
where they come from. They are quite willing to contact us, and they do contact us frequently. They contact individuals on highways. They contact people on farms, in isolated spots. And there is a lot of it going on. I can’t
any of this in a short talk, but you have to believe that I have the documentation. I

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