The Sword Of Angels (Gollancz S.F.)

Free The Sword Of Angels (Gollancz S.F.) by John Marco

Book: The Sword Of Angels (Gollancz S.F.) by John Marco Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Marco
Tags: Fantasy
    ‘And who is this Elgan to challenge you? Nothing! A minor noble.’
    ‘A friend to Lorn, and as loyal as the day is long,’ said Jazana miserably. ‘I’ve tried to convince him, but he won’t have a woman govern him.’
    ‘Then he’ll die,’ Thorin growled. ‘When I am through here I will ride to Carlion myself and smoke him out of whatever hole he’s hiding in. And then I will cut out his heart and eat it.’
    Jazana leaned back against the tree, the wet bark scratching her naked back. It was true that Elgan was only a gnat now, but insects like him had a way of chewing up entire houses. And in truth, Jazana longed to return home. She missed Norvor, and hated what her pride had led her into. It was pride that made her launch the war on Liiria, all to draw her beloved Thorin out of hiding.
    ‘I don’t want to ignore this problem, Thorin. I’m not asking you to come with me, but I must return to Norvor myself.’
    ‘No, not yet,’ said Thorin.
    ‘Soon, then.’
    They looked at each other. Thorin’s features grew troubled. ‘Not too soon, Jazana. I need you with me. Do you hear? I need you.’
    She inched closer, putting her arm around his neck and pulling him near. ‘Because you feel alone? Because you’re thinking of your son?’
    ‘No.’ Thorin let her kiss his forehead. ‘I do not think about Aric. He is with the traitors now, or dead.’
    ‘It is all right to be thinking of him, Thorin, and I can always tell when you’re lying. You’re troubled. Do you miss him?’
    ‘Of course I miss him,’ Thorin admitted. ‘He’s my son. I thought we were finally together again.’ For a moment, the dark mask that covered his face evaporated, and Jazana glimpsed the old, sweet man he had been. ‘I call him a traitor, but I should not. He’s young. He just doesn’t understand.’ Thorin smiled. ‘Only you understand, Jazana. You’re the one who gives me strength. I need strength now, because my enemies are everywhere.’
    ‘What enemies?’
    ‘On the border, near Reec. King Raxor has men stationed on the Kryss. There aren’t many of them yet but they grow in numbers. At first I thought they meant to spy on us, but I know better now. They mean to invade, Jazana, to topple us, you and me both.’
    Jazana grimaced at the news. ‘You’re sure of this? They could be defending themselves, Thorin. In their eyes we’re the invaders.’
    Thorin shook his head. ‘Raxor is cunning. I know him from years ago, and he’s a man that holds a grudge. He was never as peace-minded as his brother, and when Akeela made the treaty with Karis, Raxor was against it.’
    ‘As were you,’ Jazana reminded him.
    ‘True, because I didn’t trust the Reecians then and I do not trust them now. They mean to destroy us, Jazana, and I will not let that happen. I need troops to defeat them, troops and money.’
    He paused, looking at her straight. Jazana got his meaning.
    ‘Troops and money from Norvor, you mean.’
    Thorin smiled crookedly. ‘We cannot spread our forces too thinly, my love. Gondoir is doing well in Carlion. He and Manjek and the other lords can deal with Norvor while you are gone. Elgan is hardly a threat, after all. But the rest of our men must remain here in Koth. The city needs protection, and Raxor must know that we are strong. You see that, don’t you, Jazana?’
    The queen gave a grudging nod. ‘I do,’ she admitted. ‘But we cannot forget Norvor, Thorin. I must have your promise that you will deal with Elgan soon.’
    ‘Soon, yes,’ Thorin agreed. ‘When this business with Reec is done and Liiria is secure, I will ride with you to Norvor and deal with Elgan myself.’ He took her hand and kissed it. ‘But you will stay with me, won’t you?’
    Feeling torn between the two things she loved the most, it took amoment for Jazana to reply. She loved Norvor; she had fought for it for years, and now that it was hers she could not let it slip away. Somehow, though, she convinced herself

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