Deadly Spurs

Free Deadly Spurs by Jana Leigh

Book: Deadly Spurs by Jana Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Leigh
locking it before she could think about it. When she had seen him, her first instinct was to run to him and kiss his lights out. Ha, well no more of that shit .
    “ Arden!” Mason yelled, pounding on the door.
    “ I am showering now, so stop pounding on the door and making yourself look like an idiot. I will be out when I am done, hopefully West will be back, and we can move!” she yelled cheerfully, when all she wanted was to crawl into the bed and hug her pillow, which smelled like West. What the fuck was wrong with her? She didn’t know what was going on—her emotions were a jumble.
    Taking her own advice , she gathered her least dirty clothes and grimaced—no underwear. Well, she would have to make a stop right when they got on the road. There was no way she could go commando all day long. She shivered thinking of the chaffing.
    Arden turned on the shower, even as she hea rd LC and Mason arguing over the noise and pulled back the curtain. Well, at least she would be fresh and clean when she saw him next. She sighed when the hot water hit her sore muscles. Damn, who knew firing a gun would use so many of those hard to reach muscles. Tomorrow she would be paying for this. But that was then and this was now, she needed to figure out how she was going to deal with the overgrown ape who was still outside yelling. She could hear the muffled voices over the water still.
    She g rabbed the small bottle of shampoo and lathered her hair, when she heard the door open. Thank goodness, West was back. “I will be out in a minute,” she called.
    “ No, you will get that sweet little ass out here right now. What the fuck is up with the attitude, Arden,” Mason growled as he whipped the curtain back. The suds began dripping in her eyes when her head snapped up and she saw a pissed-off man standing in the bathroom with her.
    “ Eeep,” she said and grabbed for the curtain. “Get the fuck out of here, Mason!” she screamed.
    “ Hey, you picked the time and the place, all you had to do was talk to me out there calmly,” he said in his dead calm voice, she hated that. John and all of his friends had the same tone. It was when they were in their serious GI Joe voice and no one was supposed to mess with them. Well, he didn’t scare her.
    Deciding she was just too pissed to talk, she turned to rinse off her hair, ignoring the fact that she could feel his eyes taking in every inch of her bo dy, she felt her nipples tighten at the thought of him watching her. Damn her treacherous body for giving him the satisfaction of knowing she still wanted him.
    When she was done she held out a hand for a towel, and silently dared him with her eyes to make her wait. With a smirk, he turned and grabbed a towel, then held it with a firm grip so he could wrap her in it.
    Arden rolled her eyes, and then stepped out into the large fluffy towel and wrapped it around herself then turned and looked at Mason.
    “Now, what do you need?” she said sweetly.
    Mason growled and pulled her flush with his body and kissed her. Not the slow seductive kisses she had received the night before and this morning from West, no these were commanding. She felt like he was staking a c laim on her body, and damned if it didn’t accept it. But she felt something missing, damn she had turned into a perv, she missed West.
    When she heard someone clearing their throat behind them, Mason took his time and pulled back. With a stunned expressio n she looked over her shoulder and suddenly wished they lived in California, at least there she had a chance the earth would open up and swallow her whole. An earthquake had never been here that she knew about—damn Mother Nature.
    West was grinning, a poin t she was missing because she was mortified to be caught kissing one man, hours after being in bed with the other.
    “ Voodoo,” West said and held out his hand.
    “ North,” Mason said, reached and pulled the other man into a one-armed man hug.
    Arden just looked back and

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