The Hordes of Chanakra (Knights of Aerioch)

Free The Hordes of Chanakra (Knights of Aerioch) by David L Burkhead Page B

Book: The Hordes of Chanakra (Knights of Aerioch) by David L Burkhead Read Free Book Online
Authors: David L Burkhead
    "Cease such useless prattle!" Kaila turned on Kreg with a fury that surprised even herself. "Your plan was well thought on and would have been the height of success save for the vilest of misfortune.  If you have ought to say, then say on."
    She leaned forward and laid a hand on his shoulder. “I had not time to say before, but you did well, very well, when we fought.  The Gods surely are with you to be able to stand against such numbers long enough for Shillond to cast his magics.”
    "Well." Kreg licked his lips.  He spoke slowly, as if each word were a difficulty. "I think we might still be able to use the river for cover," Kreg said.
    "How?" Shillond asked. "It's too shallow to swim or float down."
    "Maybe not," Kreg said, "but maybe we can crawl out through it." Kreg pointed up at the larger of the two moons--the smaller had already sunk below the horizon. "It won't be too much longer before the moon sets.  It'll be as dark as it's going to get then.  The river may be shallow but it's, what, about fifty paces across?"
    Shillond looked at Faron who said, "About that."
    Kreg nodded. "So we get down on our bellies, with just enough of our heads sticking above water to breath, and we crawl." He had to pause for a moment.  Kaila drew breath over her teeth as she noted his wince.  How much pain was he in?
    "Are you well?" Kaila leaned close, placing a hand on Kreg's shoulder and peering into his eyes.
    "Just a headache," Kreg said. "With all I've been through recently it's a wonder I don't have worse." He pinched and massaged the bridge of his nose, then rubbed at his temples, before continuing. "They won't have any guards in the water and if we're quiet enough, and careful enough, we may be able to slip out."
    Shillond looked from Kreg to Kaila to Faron.
    Kaila nodded. "We will attempt it." She thought for a moment, then removed the sling that still held the coyote pup and held it out to Faron. "I think I cannot take this young one with me.  Take him to the kennels and see that he is treated well."
    Faron smiled. "Of course, Your Grace."
    Kreg and the others huddled around the fire.  Grey light in the east heralded the approaching dawn.  He shivered as a breeze chilled his wet clothes.  The plan had worked.  The water had not seemed cold at first, but as time had passed and they had crept slow fingerlength after fingerlength down the river, the warmth had leached from Kreg's body.  Before long, Kreg had needed to clench his teeth to keep them from chattering.  Eventually, they passed the last outposts of the besieging army and had been able to pull their exhausted, chilled bodies from the river's clammy embrace
    At least Kreg's head had stopped aching.
    "And now," Shillond broke the uncomfortable silence. "We have planning to do.  Kreg's plan has worked admirably, for here we are outside the city.  We must still pass the Amber Mountains and Elam guards the only pass within a hundred miles."
    "Can your spells allow us to speak with the king?" Faron asked.  He had accompanied them, explaining that his detailed knowledge of the siege, the army attacking them, and their ability to hold against it could not be set to parchment in the time before they would have to leave.
    Shillond shrugged. "Ordinarily, it would be a long reach but yes," he said. "Here, the mages in the enemy army could block any attempts I made.  Our message would not get through and we would reveal our location."
    "Might we go by sea?" Kaila asked.
    "I am thinking not," Faron said. "The nearest seaport is at Trevanta.  Two weeks to walk. Longer being if we must be foraging.  We must be sailing around Shendar then.  The war might be ending before we could arrive."
    "Then we must cross the mountains," Shillond said.
    Kaila sighed and nodded. "With Elam besieged, I think not that we will be able to use the pass."
    "There is being Harrow's Perch," Faron said.
    "Harrow's Perch?" Kreg asked
    "It's the name of a small pass.  It is

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