Finding the Way (The Amish Millers Get Married Book 5)
walk-behind mowers, manure spreaders, wood
saws, rakes, as well as buggies.
    “It’s so kind of people to donate so many
things,” she said. “This mud sale should raise a lot of money.”
    Benjamin agreed. “It’s needed; the fire
trucks need updating, and the building is quite old; they want to
replace it as soon as they can.”
    Just then a rowdy group of Englischer teenagers ran past them, knocking Sarah over. They didn’t stop, but
disappeared into the crowd. Benjamin helped her to her feet, and
held onto her arms, his face full of concern. “Are you hurt?”
    Sarah shook her head. “ Nee , just
shaken up. What happened?”
    “I’m not sure; it happened so fast. Are you
sure you’re okay? You’re trembling.”
    Sarah was, in fact, trembling because of
Benjamin’s close proximity to her. “Sorry.”
    “What for?” Benjamin finally released her
    “You’re always helping me up.”
    Benjamin smiled warmly. “I’m not
    Is he flirting with me? Sarah
wondered. I don’t understand him. He acts if he likes me, but he
never follows through .
    Benjamin took Sarah’s arm, which sent tingles
coursing through her and set off what felt like a thousand
butterflies to flight in her stomach. “You’re still shaking; you’d
better sit down.” He looked around and then pointed, “Over
    A sign, “Chicken corn soup take outs and
chicken pot pie,” hung from a small, beige painted wooden building
with a gray tiled roof. Visitors streamed in and out.
    Sarah went to walk but her ankle gave way
under her, and she would have fallen again if not for Benjamin
seizing her around her waist. His muscular arm around her waist set
Sarah off into a fresh bout of trembling.
    Benjamin appeared alarmed. “I’ll fetch a doktor .”
    Sarah hurried to reassure him. “ Nee , nee , Benjamin, I’m all right. I can walk I think, slowly. I
must’ve just twisted it when I fell.” I can hardly tell Benjamin
that he’s the one making me tremble , she thought, and no
doktor can fix that .
    With Benjamin’s hand on her arm, Sarah walked
slowly to the building. They managed to find a little, vacant table
pushed up against the far corner, with two seats, which they
quickly claimed. “How is your foot now?” Benjamin asked.
    “Better now that I’m sitting down. It will be
all right, I’m sure.” Sarah was grateful for Benjamin’s concern. He would make a wonderful husband , she thought, and then
silently chided herself for thinking such a thing.
    Benjamin went away to see what food was on
offer, and then soon returned. “There’s chicken corn soup, chicken
pot pie, pretzel log rolls, and you can have the pretzel stuffed
with ham, roast beef, or sausage, with cheese. Oh, I forgot the
rest. I’ll be right back.”
    Sarah smiled at him. “ Nee , that’s
fine. Would you get me a pretzel stuffed with sausage, please and a
hot tea with sugar, no cream?” Sarah opened her purse but Benjamin
waved his hand at her.
    “ Nee , nee , allow me.”
    “ Denki , Benjamin.” Oh why doesn’t
he like me , she lamented, watching Benjamin’s back depart.
    Benjamin returned with the food, and the two
enjoyed easy conversation for a while. “How is your ankle now?” he
asked when they had finished their meal.
    Sarah stood up to test it. “A little sore,
but it’s taking my weight fine now.”
    Benjamin nodded. “ Gut . Well, we must
be getting you back to Mrs. Miller.”
    Sarah and Benjamin walked away, slowly, Sarah
downcast that her time with Benjamin was drawing to a close.
    Before they reached the fire hall, Benjamin
stopped walking, so Sarah did the same. “I’ve enjoyed this time
with you, today, Sarah.”
    Sarah smiled, encouraged by his words. “I
have too, Benjamin,” she said shyly.
    He smiled tenderly, and then continued
    That night, Sarah lay in bed, watching the
rain fall through the window. She jumped as a lightning flash
lighted up the night sky, and then jumped again when it

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