Finding the Way (The Amish Millers Get Married Book 5)
followed soon after by a deafening crack of thunder. I hope the
lightning doesn’t strike anything , she thought.
    Sarah was glad the rain had not fallen
earlier that day and ruined her time with Benjamin. Yet what good
had that time alone done her? Benjamin was attentive and sweet, but
it seemed he did not want to court her. He had certainly made no
move to do so and he had certainly had every opportunity.

    Colossians 3:12-15.
    Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and
beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and
patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint
against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven
you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love,
which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the
peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were
called in one body. And be thankful.
    Sarah had spent a restless night thinking
about Benjamin. She had, in fact, spent many a restless night
thinking about Benjamin, but this time it was different.
    Benjamin had been acting like he was
attracted to her, and he had asked her if she was pleased that he
was staying. Yet he had still not asked her on a buggy ride, even
after their time alone together at the mud sale, not to mention the
little café earlier. Why? That was the question that had kept Sarah
awake most of the night. Did Benjamin have another girl? If he was
staying in the community, then it followed that any such girl would
likely be in the community. And while it was common for courting
couples to keep their courtships secret, Sarah was sure she would
have heard whispers if indeed Benjamin was dating a girl from the
community. This community was not too good with secrets, unlike her
    Sarah had spent the morning helping at
Hannah’s haus , and returned after lunch. She was unprepared
for the shock that awaited her. There were three people sitting in
the living room: Mr. Miller, Mrs. Miller, and her vadder ,
Samuel Beachy.
    Sarah gasped in dismay. Her vadder was
clearly there to fetch her back. What would she do?
    The tension in the room was palpable. Mr.
Miller had an unusually stern look on his face, Mrs. Miller was
wringing her hands, and Samuel Beachy looked cross. He at once
stood up. “Sarah, I’ve been so worried about you. Why didn’t you
let me know that you were all right?”
    Sarah stood there, not knowing what to say.
“ Err , didn’t Benjamin tell you?” she said lamely.
    “ Nee . At first he did say you were all
right and staying with the Millers, but he refused to say any more,
and I haven’t had a letter from him in a very long time.” Samuel
Beachy shook his head in annoyance.
    Sarah’s heart leaped. So Benjamin hadn’t been
reporting back to her father after all! Despite the situation, a
wave of happiness washed over her.
    Samuel Beachy walked over to Sarah. “Sarah,
child, I was so worried. I know we parted on bad terms, but it’s
time for you to come home now. The Millers have told me that you
know everything now.”
    “I’ll make us all a nice meadow tea,” Mrs.
Miller said, and hurried to the kitchen.
    “I’ll get some firewood,” Mr. Miller said,
and, although it was spring and the weather was warm, he hurried
    Sarah jutted out her chin in defiance. “I’m
not coming home.”
    Samuel Beachy rubbed his baard . “I
know you’re angry with me, but your mudder made me promise
not to tell you. We argued about it many a time.”
    “It’s not that, Datt . My home is here
now. I like living here.”
    Mr. Beachy sighed in exasperation. “You can’t
refuse to come home.”
    “I do refuse, Datt .” Sarah’s tone
turned to pleading. “I’m not a child any more, and I won’t go back.
My life is here now.”
    Mr. Beachy turned bright red and his eyes
bulged. “We will speak about this later today. Think this over
until then, and I trust you will come to your senses. I’m going

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