What's in It for Me?

Free What's in It for Me? by Jerome Weidman

Book: What's in It for Me? by Jerome Weidman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerome Weidman
pointing the way.
    There was a little waiting room just inside the door, with an “Information” window in one wall.
    â€œMr. Ast, please,” I said.
    â€œI’m sorry, sir, he’s not in yet.”
    â€œWhat time does he usually get in?”
    â€œAbout nine-thirty,” she said. “But he’s a little late this morning, I don’t really know why.”
    â€œAll right, Miss. I’ll wait for him.”
    I started to push my way through the doors that led to the showroom, but she called to me excitedly.
    â€œDon’t go in there, please!” she said. “You’ll have to wait for Mr. Ast out here!”
    She pointed to the two straight-backed chairs in the tiny waiting room.
    â€œI’ll wait in the showroom,” I said.
    â€œI’m sorry, sir,” she said coldly, “but I have strict instructions from Mr. Ast to have all people wait in the—”
    I grinned at her.
    â€œIt’s all right, sister,” I said kindly as I sat down in one of the soft showroom chairs. “Mr. Ast and I are very old friends.”
    That sent her hopping back into her cage and I had time to examine the showroom. At five minutes to ten there was a commotion out in the little waiting room, the girl’s voice whispered excitedly, and then the doors swung open and Teddy came in like a tennis ball going out of bounds.
    â€œHello, there, Teddy,” I said with a grin.
    He stopped short and tossed his hat and coat onto one of the couches.
    â€œWhat the hell you doing here so early?” he asked.
    â€œWhat’s so early about it?” I said. “It’s ten o’clock.”
    He glanced at his wrist watch quickly.
    â€œYeah,” he said. “Damned if it isn’t. Well.” He stood there for a moment, gathering his wits. “I’ll tell you what, Harry. Just give me a few minutes to get myself organized around here, and I’ll be right with you. Okay?”
    I looked at my own wrist watch.
    â€œWell,” I said, “I’ve got another appointment at—All right, go ahead, Teddy. I can make it in plenty of time.”
    He stood over a small showroom table and scanned mail, dictated a couple of letters, signed a check, okayed a half dozen orders, and sent the entire office staff of three girls hopping in and out in a steady chain, like circus elephants holding each other’s tails on their way from the big tent to the train.
    â€œAll right,” he said finally, waving everybody away. “That’s enough right now.” He lit a cigarette and pulled up a chair beside mine. “Boy,” he said as he sank into it with a sigh, “you don’t know how lucky you are you’re out of the dress business, Harry.”
    â€œToo much for you, eh?” I said.
    He sat erect at once.
    â€œToo much?” he said. “Hell no. It’s just that—well, you know, sometimes for one person, it gets a little too—”
    Not for the right person.
    â€œWhat’s the matter, Teddy?” I said, grinning. “You offering me a partnership?”
    He shook his head grimly.
    â€œOnce was enough, boy,” he said. “Any guy that goes back into partnership with you, Harry, ought to go out and give himself up. He’s nuts.”
    What the hell made him so sure he was sane?
    â€œWell, anyway,” I said. “What do you say we get started?”
    â€œSuits me,” he said. “Tell me what you need and I’ll have my boy bring out the—”
    â€œFrig that,” I said. “I take your word for the condition of the stuff. Velvets are velvets. Just see that they get a good steaming and get wrapped fairly well and it’ll be all right.”
    I put my notebook on the small table between us and lifted out the orders I wanted filled. He checked with me on the quantity and the sizes.
    â€œThe colors may not be exactly like it says on these orders,” he began,

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