Specters: A Monster Squad Novel - 8
whisper in the dark, but his heart stretched out, through the cinder block wall and touched her. She could feel his presence near her.
    Raven lay on her cot, her face toward the block wall they shared, her palm pressed flat against the cold cement. “What is this hold you have over me, elf?” She pressed harder and wished she could feel his touch when something washed over her. She closed her eyes and felt his warmth envelope her. She groaned in the darkness and felt a familiar ache in her chest.
    Her mind screamed ‘no’ but her body and her heart screamed ‘YES’! She lowered her head and chewed at her lower lip. How could anybody have such a hold on her? It wasn’t possible. Her heart was dead…she knew it was. She’d sworn that she’d never feel anything for anybody ever again.
    When her brother suddenly appeared again and wanted back in her life, the part of her that wanted to wrap her arms around him and smother him in hugs was quickly quelled by the part that swore she’d never allow herself to feel again. Neither man nor beast would win her emotions again, ever. Like the Raven, she would go from here to there and think of nobody but herself. A black clad messenger of death.
    But now, here she sat, her heart and body rebelling against her over a blue eyed, white haired, golden skinned warrior. She sighed again as she thought of him lying on just the other side of the wall. She smiled as she recalled the… ‘vision’ she’d had in the shower. His taught abs and strong chest more than caught her attention. She remembered how they felt under her wet, soapy hands. She caught herself moaning slightly as she remembered his kiss. The taste of his blood when she bit his lip. How he grabbed her ass and squeezed it so—
    She sat up suddenly, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide in the darkness. “What am I doing?” She stood and paced the tiny room that she called her own. “This is insane. That couldn’t have happened. It couldn’t have. It was a…a…a dream.” She swallowed hard and turned to the door.
    Before she realized what she was doing, she was pounding on Kalen’s door. “Open up, you pointy eared devil!”
    Kalen pulled the door open and shielded his eyes from the bright lights of the hallway. “Is something wrong?”
    Brooke pushed her way into his room and began jabbing him in the chest with her finger. “How dare you! You used some kind of elf magic to…to…mess with my head again, didn’t you?”
    Kalen was pressed back against the far wall, her finger continuing to jab into his flesh. “I didn’t. I swear.”
    “Yes, you did. I know you did.” Her features suddenly changed in the low light of his room. Her eyes began to tear as her voice quivered. “Please tell me you did something to me.”
    Kalen shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t.” He slowly reached up and took her hand from his chest. He raised it to his mouth and she watched with anticipation as he kissed her fingertip. “I would do nothing without your consent.”
    He watched as her lower lip began to quiver and a tear flowed from her eye. “This can’t be happening…”
    He pulled her into a soft embrace and rubbed her back through the silk gown she wore. “Whatever is happening, it’s happening to us both.” He leaned his face close to her ear and whispered, “But I’m glad that if it must happen, it is you.”
    She raised her face to stare at him. “Why me?”
    Kalen smiled and she felt something stir inside that could only be described as two puppies fighting over a feather pillow. “Why not you? You are the most beautiful, most intriguing woman I’ve ever met. You are a ferocious warrior and a master thief.”
    She felt something melt inside and she slowly smiled at him. “Wait…master thief?”
    Kalen nodded. “You stole my heart.” He leaned in and ever so gently kissed the corner of her mouth. He felt her fangs flick down into place and her eyes shot wide. Her hand came up

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