Sucker Punched (Resilient Hearts Series Book One 1)

Free Sucker Punched (Resilient Hearts Series Book One 1) by L Owen

Book: Sucker Punched (Resilient Hearts Series Book One 1) by L Owen Read Free Book Online
Authors: L Owen
    “Nicola!” I interrupt. “I owe you nothing; I’m busy right now.”
    “Busy right now? What with that slut?” she says pointing in Caitlin’s direction. That’s it; I have had enough.
    “Nicola,” I warn. “Leave Caitlin out of this and leave me the fuck alone.” Luckily, she storms away before the situation gets any worse. Great, now I’m pissed. I can’t calm myself down enough, and I know Caitlin gets upset when I’m mad. It’s better if I just leave. That just pisses me off more since I’ve been having a great time sitting with her. She seems relaxed and carefree for once. I hate to leave her.
    After getting into my car with Donnie, my phone beeps almost right away.
    N: We will be talking about this!
    It’s Nicola, so of course I choose to ignore her.
    When I drop Donnie at his house, I take the long way home. My pulse is still racing. No one pisses me off as much as that woman. When I pull up at my house, my phone beeps again. Gripping the steering wheel, I groan. I’m not in any mood to deal with Nicola right now. I want to turn it off, but upon checking it, I realize it’s not Nicola; it’s Caitlin. My bad mood lifts as I read.
    C: Hi! Is everything ok?
    Me: I’m sorry. Nicola pissed me off and I don’t think I’m much company right now.
    C: Maybe I could have cheered you up? What’s her problem anyway?
    Me: Nicola is her own problem!
    C: Are you sure she’s not your girlfriend?
    Now I’m pissed again; I have already told her no.
    Me: This is the last time I’m going to tell you. I don’t have a girlfriend!
    After snapping at her I don’t hear back. I’m not one to chase, but half an hour later, I’m edgy as hell, so I text back.
    Me: Sorry. I was being a dick. I didn’t mean to snap. I hope I haven’t ruined our friendship.
    In less than five minutes I get my reply.
    C: You were a dick, but I forgive you.
    Me: Good. I was worried you would give my coffee away, again.
    C: I won’t lie. The thought crossed my mind. ;)
    The rest of the night is spent with us texting each other. I have no idea why she’s opening up to me, but I’m not complaining. I try to stay away from flirting too much, as I don’t want to scare her off again. It seems to work because the rest of the week I get my coffee every day, and it’s delivered with a smile.
    Sitting at my desk the following week, there’s a pile of paperwork I’m steadily trying to work through.  I’m interrupted by a phone call from the wife of an old comrade of mine, Wendy. My friend, Simon, has been injured while on a tour of duty, and from the sounds of it, it’s pretty bad. He’s not doing well, and she’s worried about him. I promise to come up and help. They live a couple of hours away, and it’s likely I’ll need to stay for a while. I need to help my friend, but the idea of not being near Caitlin everyday leaves me disappointed. A knock at my door takes me from my thoughts. I smile as it must be Caitlin with my coffee.
    “Come in,” I call.
    “Hi,” Caitlin slips into my office. “What’s wrong?” she asks with a frown. As I explain, her face begins to show the disappointment I feel.
    “I’m sorry about your friend.”
    “How long will you be gone?”
    “I don’t know, as long as it takes, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders.
    She’s perched on the edge of my desk and passes my coffee over to me.
    “I’ll miss my coffee delivery.” What I really want to say is I’ll miss her .
    A small smile plays at the edge of her mouth. “I’ll miss delivering your coffee.” I hope her train of thought parallels mine.
    “When are you leaving?” she asks after a while.
    “Within the next hour.”
    “Well, will you text me to let me know you get there ok?” She’s shy as she says this, looking down, watching her hands smooth out the material on her skirt.
    “Hey,” I say, lifting her face so she’s looking at me. “Of course I will. I may even call you, too, if that’s ok with

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