Hard Candy

Free Hard Candy by Amaleka McCall

Book: Hard Candy by Amaleka McCall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amaleka McCall
watched as Shana limped over to the hand drier, pressed the large silver button, turned around, and lifted the end of her dress in an attempt to dry the huge wet spot on the back of it. She’d fallen right into a puddle of somebody’s spilled drink. Shana continued to make conversation, while Candice looked on in disbelief.
    â€œHe usually keeps his cool in front of people most of the time. I don’t know . . . maybe he had too much to drink. I really was nasty to Junior, and I should’ve just been nice. Like I said, though, it’s all right, Candy. I know I sound like I’m making excuses. I’m just trying to explain. I just want peace. I . . . I’m . . . just . . . Look at you, looking at me like I’m crazy.” Shana ended her succession of words with a high-pitched laugh that bordered on hysteria.
    Candice could see right through Shana’s act. “It’s never all right for a man to hit you, Shana. But I’m not one to judge anybody’s choice in men. Broady is going to get his.”
    Candice immediately regretted the words after they left her lips. Uncle Rock had always told her, “Words are like eggs dropped from great heights. You can’t ever put the pieces back together after they hit home.”
    Shana, preoccupied with fixing her appearance, didn’t seem to notice or care about Candice’s offhand comment. “You ready, Candy?” she asked, smoothing down her dress when she felt it was dry enough.
    â€œIf you are,” Candice replied, yanking on the door and holding it so Shana could leave first.
    Shana rushed out of the bathroom so fast, Candice could barely keep up with her. Trying to catch up, she walked headfirst into someone. Startled, she jumped back to put some distance between them. “Oh, excuse . . .” Candice looked up into the face of a stranger. “Sorry, I didn’t see you.”
    â€œExcuse me, too. Is she all right?” The man motioned his head in Shana’s direction.
    Candice recognized him as the man who’d been at Junior’s side all night. She immediately put a scowl on her face. Why didn’t his ass do something besides talk, when Broady had slapped the shit out of Shana? She had heard him referred to as Junior’s “lieutenant” throughout the night. In her assessment, anybody who was a friend of Junior’s was an enemy of hers.
    â€œNah, I don’t think you would be all right if somebody six times your size slapped the shit out of you in a club filled with people.” Candice pursed her lips.
    â€œI feel you, ma. I know that li’l dude, Broady, be fuckin’ up. I’ma talk to him,” the man said.
    Candice softened the look on her face once she realized he wasn’t half bad-looking. In fact, he was damn near fine. Her cheeks immediately flamed over at the thought. He was about six feet two inches tall with an athletic build and had the most beautiful chocolate-colored skin Candice had seen, aside from her father’s, of course. The man’s head was shaved clean, and he had a long, prominent chin. His most striking feature, however, was his eyes, which were chestnut brown and showed up much lighter against his smooth, dark complexion.
    â€œAnyway, ma, I’m Tuck. I don’t think we’ve met before,” he said, extending his hand for a shake.
    Candice had to snap herself away from staring at his perfect white teeth. He either had a great orthodontist or he had purchased them.
    â€œCandy. Nope. We haven’t met,” she said dryly, keeping her hands at her sides. She felt a little fluttering in her stomach that made her want to run in place or move her body. Or maybe even run away from him. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. This indescribable feeling was a new sensation for Candice—uncomfortable in a good way, but extremely dangerous, given her current mission.
    â€œIt’s real nice to meet you,

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