The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series)

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Book: The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series) by David Gosnell Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Gosnell
claw like nails in the vial, puts it to her mouth and lightly shudders, all the way down to her tail. “Oh my, this is good stuff,” is her response along with gushings as to how much she likes Edgar and how she will be good.  I ask her to stay away from Percy.  That gets answered with a “who?” I prompt her with a reminder about Percy being a virgin, which prompts an, “Oh yes, one of my baby birds – okay.”
    Damn , she doesn’t even remember his name.
    I step out into the hall to find the conference room and bump into Pffiferil. I let him know of Edgar’s request, which results in a “Begorrah! I hates to be drinkin’ alone.”  That’s followed by a smile, a wink and indications I’m going to be his new drinking buddy. I’m not sure how that’s going to work out, so I just put my hand on his shoulder and tell him, “We’ll see about that.”
    With that I head to the conference room where the other refugees wait and the Protectorate will update us on details.

Chapter 17
    M aldgorath looks over his army, in the large metal warehouse they are packed in.  Exactly 1,132 strong – varieties of Dzemond, Vdivel, and lesser creatures that he has collected. This force represents less than half of his collection.
    He is impressed with himself.  He has not brought forth such numbers for action in quite some time.  He gazes over them, feeling his power and presence over them.  They feel it too and are enraptured.
    “Today, ” he exclaims “We begin to tear down the barriers to the realm of the Fae.  Our actions here will set these hairless monkeys that call themselves men into war and hate on a scale that cannot be calculated. I count on you to enjoy yourselves in the taking of human lives and flesh as you see fit.”
    The warehouse explodes in applause.
    He gazes over the adoring mob, making as much eye contact as he can with the throng he has summoned. “There are specifics to this endeavor that are most important.   The first of which is that he must be the only one to address and rend the holy father.”  With that he points to a figure cowled in black robes, large purplish-black wings are evident as are horns through openings in the cowl.
    The room hushed in acknowledgement of their master’s command.
    “Bring it,” Maldgorath commands. With that an incubus brings him an ornate box.
    He opens the box and produces a red bracelet and then tosses it to the winged, cowled figure who catches it midair. 
    “The red witch will be looking,” Maldgorath directs the cowled figure.  “Make sure she sees it – leave no question.”
    There is a nod from the figure in the cowled robe as he fastens the bracelet on his wrist. 
    In a deep bass o tone he says, “As you command my lord.”
    Maldgorath is happy.  He looks over this army and directs them.
    “Those to the tourist busses – shift to human form and go now.  Those to the holding trailers go and await your orders.  And remember – enjoy yourselves… let no debauchery be overlooked, this is your time to enjoy! Your master is, after all, most generous.”

Chapter 18
    When you’re at a place that's referred to as the Techno-Mage guild, you expect some bells and whistles in the conference room. I am not disappointed.  It is a voluminous room with large flat screen televisions encircling a huge stainless steel and glass table with built-in, flip up screens in front of every chair.
    The table is mostly full, with members of other guilds that also came here for refuge or conference. I base this assessment on the lack of tell-tale hardware that the members of the Techno-Mage guild wear to harness and amplify their abilities.
    I am greeted by the squeaky voice of a young man who spins his chair around to greet me. He is the prototypical nerd, pencil thin with thick glasses, a bulging adams apple, and short stringy hair. All that was missing was the pocket protector.
    “ Has she asked about me, Mr. MacInerny – Ms.

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