
Free Crimson by Tielle St. Clare

Book: Crimson by Tielle St. Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tielle St. Clare
Tags: Erótica
acknowledgement and felt his own lips pull up in a grin.
    “Feel this, man.” He slipped his hand away, sliding his finger from Cait’s hot pussy. He placed his hand on her stomach, holding her against his body. “Don’t move, Caitlyn. I love the feel of this sweet ass against me. I’m going to fill you, fuck you so good.”
    A sexy little whimper escaped her throat as she twisted between them, Rain’s cock pressing against her ass, Tanner’s fingers sliding into her pussy.
    Rain could feel when Tanner had penetrated her slick passage. A wicked jolt raced through her body. She arched her back, her body straining for more.
    “She’s tight,” Tanner murmured.
    She whimpered and pumped her hips against Tanner’s hand.
    “Shh, that’s it, Cait,” he whispered, his lips against her ear. “Can you feel him inside you? You’re so gorgeous, fucking his fingers, rubbing that sweet ass against my dick.” He raised his voice enough so Tanner could hear. “We’re going to give you what you need. Make you scream.”
    As if he couldn’t stand it any more, Tanner leaned in and covered her mouth in a deep, sexual kiss.
    A twinge of jealousy spiked in Rain’s chest, but with her other arm, she reached behind her, wrapping her hand around Rain’s back, gripping his ass, holding him close.
    He almost chuckled that she thought she could control him, but he loved the need. He held her hip even tighter and ground his cock into the space between her ripe ass cheeks.
    Her moan rumbled from her chest, echoing through her kiss with Tanner.
    Tanner snapped his head back. “Damn, I’m not going to last long.”
    “Neither is she.” Rain eased back.
    Cait gasped, her mind catching up with Rain’s words. A deep corner of her soul thought she might be offended, but the hot hand sliding around her waist, across her hip and cupping her ass distracted her.
    The wicked sensations that had been fluttering through her body all night coalesced into one intense ache in her pussy.
    So strong, she thought as Rain, scooped her up legs, cradling her against a hard male chest.
    She clutched Tanner’s shoulder. The solid male had been her rock through all of this. He remained beside her, joining Rain as he lowered her to the center of the mattress of one of the queen beds.
    For a moment, she lay there, looking up at both men. She was naked while they were still mostly dressed. It should have made her feel vulnerable, but the hunger blazing at her through their eyes made her skin warm. Feeling sexy, she tipped her head back and arched her spine, offering herself.
    “Damn.” Admiration and lust sang through the soft whisper. She didn’t know which man had said it, didn’t matter. She glanced down and saw all she needed—two deliciously hard bulges straining their rented tuxes.
    Ignoring every reasonable voice in her head whispering she might regret this, she skimmed her fingers across her stomach, sliding dangerously close to her pussy.
    For a moment, she thought Rain might forbid her to touch herself, but instead, he just watched. She slipped her finger into her cunt and gasped at the bright shiver that ran into her core.
    “That’s enough, Caitlyn,” Rain said as he crawled in beside her, those dark eyes staring intently down at her. His hand slid up her rib cage, cupping her breast. “You don’t get to come until we let you,” he murmured as he plumped the mound up, leaning down to capture the tight nipple between his lips.
    Breath caught in her throat. Let her? They were going to let her come? She knew she should have been furious, but a tiny corner of her brain shivered with pleasure. She’d deal with his arrogance later, when she didn’t need to be fucked so badly.
    Cait stared at that mouth, caressing her breast, tongue flicking out to tease the flat peak.
    “How sensitive are these?” he asked, placing a quick kiss on the areola.
    She shrugged. She loved having her breasts caressed. The corner of Rain’s mouth pulled up

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