A Very Jaguar Christmas

Free A Very Jaguar Christmas by Terry Spear

Book: A Very Jaguar Christmas by Terry Spear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Spear
since they had to share a table with six other people.
    â€œYou sound hungry.”
    â€œI am, but I’m saving room for dessert.”
    He smiled at her, and she laughed. “Why is it that when I’m saying something perfectly innocent, you don’t look as though I am?”
    â€œHey, I’m the innocent here.”
    She laughed again. “Somehow I find that hard to swallow.” She pulled out her phone to take a picture when the chef created a fiery volcano in the center of the grill. But then another woman offered to take a picture of the two of them sitting together with the fire display in the foreground.
    Even better.
    After that, they had fun in the candy shop. Everett bought a bunch of boxes of candy for gifts and peppermint fudge for dessert. Demetria eyed it for a long time, then asked the clerk for a sample, though Everett had offered her a bite of his, waggling his brows at her. After that, she chose a piece of it too.
    They shopped some more, then went to the theater to choose the movie. The choices were a sci-fi adventure thriller and a Christmas murder mystery. Everett left it up to Demetria. They both read the reviews, but neither of them knew anyone who had seen the new releases yet.
    Demetria picked the Christmas murder mystery because it looked like it had a happier ending than the other. Halfway through the movie, Everett was sure the choice had been a mistake. Demetria was tense, wiping away tears trailing down her cheeks and visibly upset. Hell, who would have thought the hero would have flashbacks of fighting terrorists in the jungle now that he was at home during the Christmas holidays. He was trying to solve the murder of his best friend, involving the woman he loved, a woman who hadn’t known how the hero felt about her.
    Even Everett felt uncomfortable with the similarities in the story to their own true-life situation, as much as they were dissimilar. He tried to see it as just a made-up story, not like their lives in the least, but that didn’t help. Not when he was sure Demetria was feeling distressed.
    He didn’t want to intrude, but he didn’t want her to believe she had to see the rest of the movie because he wanted to, that it would be okay if she felt like leaving. Either way was fine with him. Then again, maybe she cried a lot at movies, and if he said anything, he would embarrass her.
    Damn, he hated second-guessing the situation. But he didn’t want her feeling bad.
    â€œIs the movie all right? Do you want to go?”
    She shook her head. “I’m fine. I want to see the happy ending.”
    They saw the happy ending—boy and girl fell in love, and the murder mystery was solved—but Everett was sure they should have watched anything other than that movie. “Well, that was kind of a downer,” he said, walking her to the car and rubbing her back lightly.
    â€œI had a lovely time, Everett. Don’t worry about it.”
    â€œIf you’re not doing anything tomorrow…” he said.
    â€œI’m going to just…veg tomorrow. I’ve really needed this vacation.”
    â€œSure, I understand. Me too.” But he still would have loved to spend some time hanging out with her. Maybe he should have started out more slowly. “If you decide you want to do anything, just let me know. I was thinking of going to see that ice sculpture place. They’re featuring Christmas around the world. I’ve never been before, and I thought it would be fun.”
    She smiled, but her smile was sad. “I haven’t been either. Maybe some other time.”
    â€œSure thing.” He dropped her at her car parked at the JAG headquarters, but before he could open her door, she hurried to get out of the car, her body language saying she wanted out of there, no kissing, no hugs. He wished the evening had ended a whole lot differently.

Chapter 5
    Demetria had a wonderful time with Everett, but she wished she

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