Breaking Even

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Book: Breaking Even by Lily Bishop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Bishop
back to Scott. Either Ric didn’t notice
the abrupt departure or didn’t care.
    Lindsey smiled, trying to ease the sudden
tension. “Ben, you remember my friends from the other night.”
    “Sure,” Ben said, waving.
    “Great bar, man,” Whit said. “I think this
is our new hangout.”
    “Good deal. Pass the word.” After Ben and
his uncle left, the chatter circled around them again like a fog.
    “What was that all about?” she asked Ric.
“Ben’s uncle looked like he had seen a ghost.”
    “So, who is from around here? Any cool places
to see? Maybe somewhere we could take a picnic?” Ric asked, changing the
    Whit leaned forward. “I’m from Walhalla.
You could go up to the Stumphouse Tunnel, about forty-five minutes north of
    “What is that?” Ric asked.
    “Before the Civil War, a railroad company
started digging a tunnel under a mountain. They planned to link up to a rail
line in Tennessee. They never finished.”
    “Thanks for the Clemson history update,”
Sarah groaned. Whit elbowed her.
    “Ignore her. At one point Clemson used the
tunnel to cure blue cheese, but now it’s a tourist spot with picnic tables.
There’s also a waterfall a short hike away.”
    “That sounds like it just might be the
trip. Lindsey, do you want another cider?” Ric asked.
    “Sounds great.”
    “I’ll be right back.” Ric went back
downstairs and Sarah slid over beside Lindsey. Over in the corner, a singer
dragged a stool onto the stage and began setting up with a guitar and amp.
    “Whew—he was H-O-T-T HOT! And I don’t mean
average hot, either. I mean Charleston in July hot. You did not tell us about
him. I’m so used to seeing everybody in shorts and a T-shirt, and he shows up
in pressed gabardine.”
    Lindsey laughed at that. “He dresses for
work. I can count on one hand the times I’ve seen him not in a suit.”
    “And this is your boyfriend?”
    Lindsey felt a little bit put out that
Sarah was so surprised. “Well, long distance. We haven’t known each other long.”
    “And the way he rolls those R’s, that’s
just too sexy.” To punctuate her words, Sarah fanned herself with her hand.
“Well, if you decide you’re done with him, send him to me. I could get lost in
    Lindsey bristled at the idea of Ric with
Sarah and had to remind herself that her friend was only kidding. Maybe.
    “Where is Tanya?” Lindsey asked, looking
around. She had just noticed that Sarah’s roommate wasn’t with them. “She
didn’t come tonight?
    “Don’t even get me started. She’s driving
me crazy. I told her we were all going out for drinks, but she’s staying home
to video chat with her boyfriend in Macon. Who knows. She talks about leaving
at the end of the semester to move back with him. I don’t know. You may be
seeing someone who doesn’t live her, but at least you go out and have fun.”
    “She should at least finish the master’s.
What’s a couple of years?”
    “I know, that’s what I tell her.”
    The singer introduced himself as Rockford
Montgomery Levinson the third. “Now that’s a mouthful, so you can call me
Rocky. Let’s get this party started.”
    He started with a few strums on his guitar
and went straight into a cover of a popular country music song. His second song
sounded like a cross between country and southern rock. The crowd warmed up to
him, clapping and laughing along with the song.
    Ric returned with the cider, but nothing
for himself. He slid into the seat beside Lindsey and seemed content to listen
to the music. Lindsey snuggled under his arm, loving how well she fit. Ric
couldn't hear her over the music unless she shouted, so she just relaxed.
    Rocky switched to a slow ballad that had
crossed over to the pop charts. Lindsey closed her eyes and let the sound wash
over her. As Rocky sang about a boy and a girl, she imagined that he sang about
her and Ric. Nothing was ever as simple as the love songs sounded.
    “The line must have been long,”

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