Breaking Even

Free Breaking Even by Lily Bishop

Book: Breaking Even by Lily Bishop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Bishop
island and he’s CEO of the resort.”
    “So that’s where you went for that
blackjack tournament?” Ben asked.
    “Yes. It’s a beautiful resort, modeled
after an old castle,” Lindsey said, bragging.
    Ben nodded to another customer and turned
back to Lindsey. “It’s getting busy—what can I get for you?”
    “I’ll have a pale ale on draft,” Ric said.
“Lindsey, do you want to try a hard cider?”
    “Apple cider? That sounds good.”
    “Coming up.” He poured the drinks and set
them on the bar. Ric pulled out his wallet, but Ben waved him away. “On the
house,” he said.
    “Thanks,” Lindsey said. “We might see you
    Lindsey and Ric turned to look for a seat
and she spotted Sarah, a fellow math graduate student. Lindsey waved and the
other girl came over. “Sarah, didn’t know you would be here.”
    “The gang is upstairs, over by the
windows. Who’s your friend?” She sized Ric up, her smile friendly.
    “Ric, meet Sarah Waters, one of my
graduate student friends. Sarah, meet Ric Salzana.”
    “Nice to meet you. Come join us upstairs.
I’ll be back up in a bit.” Sarah left them and headed to the restroom.
    Upstairs, the bar had more couches and
more tall tables. In one corner, a small stage was set up, with speakers and a sound
system. Upstairs, gray plaster walls gave the rooms an airy feeling. Vintage
photographs of local scenes filled the walls.
    Lindsey and Ric found her gang, all math
teaching assistants, settled on a pair of couches by the window. The group had
gone out a few times since classes had started. Although she didn’t know them
that well, they were starting to become friends. She introduced the group to
Ric all at the same time: Brian, Stephanie, Whit, and Mary Margaret.
    Whit slid over so she and Ric could sit
together on the couch. Lindsey snuggled under the arm he draped cross the back
of the couch. Ric handled their questions well.
    “Lindsey, you were holding out on us!”
Stephanie said, laughing. “Who knew you had a guy waiting for you in the
    She smiled, ignoring the way Ric tensed
beside her. “I know I told you about him,” she said, laughing. “Y’all just
    “Just think of me as Lindsey’s best-kept
secret,” Ric said. Anyone else looking at him wouldn’t notice the tightness in
his smile, but Lindsey saw it.
    Lindsey rotated her glass of cider,
letting the amber liquid catch the light. “I like this hard cider. How did I
not know about this?"
    “It’s usually sold alongside beer, and you
don’t buy beer,” Ric said, teasing.
    Sarah came back up carrying a glass of
white wine. Whit gave her his spot on the opposite couch, claiming he had to go
speak to a friend.
    “So how long are you here for?” Sarah
    “I’m headed back Monday. I don’t want to
be gone too long during prime hurricane season.”
    “And when are you going back down there?”
Sarah asked Lindsey, all excited to hear about it.
    Lindsey thought about it. “We’ve talked
about me coming down for fall break in two weeks.”
    “Wow. Fall break in the Caribbean. I might
have to climb in your suitcase.”
    Lindsey laughed, but hoped that Ric didn’t
suggest Sarah come along. She wanted him to herself.
    Lindsey glanced up and saw Ben
approaching. A thin man with a shaved head and a thick bushy red beard followed
close behind him. Lindsey and Ric stood up to greet them.
    “Lindsey, I’d like you to meet my uncle,
Scott Morton,” Ben said.
    “Scott, this is my roommate Lindsey Todd
and her friend Ric… I’m sorry, I don’t remember your last name.”
    “Salzana,” Ric provided. They shook hands.
Scott’s eyes never left Ric.
    “That’s an unusual name,” Scott said, one
hand pulling at his beard.
    “I’m originally from Venezuela.”
    Scott’s face whitened and he eased way.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’d better get back downstairs.”
    Without another word, Scott was gone. Ben
frowned, turning his head from Ric and

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