An Archangel's Promise

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Book: An Archangel's Promise by Jess Buffett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Buffett
his hands up in a placating gesture. “Now is
not the time for you to know. When you are all finally together things will be
revealed, but to tell you now could risk everything. Only those high up are
aware of the prophecy.”
    “Then how is it Ash knows?” Brock asked the question they
had all been thinking.
    Gabriel sighed deeply. “His father knew, and he told Ash.”
Before more questions could be asked, Gabriel held a hand up to silence them.
“As I said, you will know more when it’s time, I promise.”
    Hunter gaped at his father. The archangel had just told them
about a prophecy involving them, that Ash had a father high enough to know
about it, and left them with a million questions. And he expected them to focus
on something else?
    “Where is Landon?” Dominic asked, bringing the conversation
back to the problem at hand.
    “We aren’t sure. We can’t keep tabs on him ourselves because
that would draw attention, so we sent guards like we did for you four.
Yesterday, one of those guards returned without the others. He informed us that
his team was taken out by Ash and his men,” Gabriel explained. “It was all we
got from him. His injuries were too severe.”
    Damn. “So the kid is out there somewhere, all alone?”
    His father nodded. “He has his mother, Rebecca, but they are
currently unguarded. We need you to find him and keep him safe.”
    “That explains why Isaac wasn’t with Ash tonight.” Sebastian
    Isaac was Ash’s second-in-command, and he could be even more
ruthless than Ash. The man was pure demon. There was nothing left of his once
angelic self. The thought of Isaac hunting down Landon made Hunter feel ill.
The bastard liked to play with his prey, just as he had done when they had
first come for Hunter, and he would do so again before he ended Landon’s life.
    Hunter glanced around the room, making eye contact with each
of the men he called brother. They had another brother out there, and they
needed to find him. His stomach clenched at the thought of putting Gabriella in
that sort of danger though.
    The soft caress of a hand drew him out of his musings.
Gabriella smiled at him so sweetly he felt his heart stutter in his chest.
    “You have to go,” she whispered. Leaning forward, Gabriella
brought their lips closer until they were a hair’s breadth apart. “If this
Isaac is as bad as he sounds, Landon will need you.”
    Gabriella brushed their lips together, and Hunter groaned.
God, what this woman did to him.
    His breath a little ragged, Hunter leant back. “Gabby. I
can’t leave your side. We’re bonded now, and the honeymoon phase will begin
soon. Not to mention that Ash will return.”
    “Honeymoon phase? You need to tell me what all that means.”
    There was no anger as she asked, no judgement. Just an
honest need for answers, yet Hunter sighed with resignation, knowing at some
point Gabriella was going to be pushed too far. Chaos and danger were the very
essence of the life he lived. He had been in such need of her that he hadn’t
stopped to fully comprehend what he would be putting her through by coming
back. She now had to deal with the consequences of a decision he hadn’t let her
have a say in.
    Caught up in his inner turmoil, their pseudo
second-in-command, Dominic answered her.
    “What it means is that if he were to be apart from you, he
would grow careless. He could be seriously harmed while worrying if you were
safe. And even if he were lucky enough to have one of us covering his back,
after a period of separation it wouldn’t matter. Being away from you would
literally be painful. For the both of you. The honeymoon phase acts like a
mating heat. When it kicks in you’ll be insatiable, needing each other
constantly,” Dominic explained. “Where one goes, so does the other. It’s the
whole bonded part.”
    Gabriella blushed furiously at what she had just been told,
but appeared to be mulling it all over. Hunter waited with bated breath to see

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