Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series)

Free Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series) by Ava Thorn

Book: Southern Hearts (Southern Love Series) by Ava Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Thorn
that Austin watched Farrah. The
way he smiled at Farrah made her realize that not once had Austin ever smiled
at her that way. Rebecca watched as Austin disappeared into the house. She
didn't need to be a psychic to know that he was going after her .
    "My cousin is in love with you," Shane said.
    "Your cousin is getting married," Farrah replied.
    "He needs a little push in the right direction. My
uncle raised him to be a gentleman," Shane said as he nudged her arm.
    Farrah stood and looked at Shane. "I love your cousin,
but each and every day I realize that I'm not the woman for him. He has his
life with Rebecca and I have mine."
    "Is it easy for you to walk away from the man you
love?" he asked.
    Farrah took a deep breath. "I can't destroy someone's
happiness for mine. Rebecca deserves to love Austin and to have the wedding
she's been dreaming about. She doesn't need me coming into Austin's life and
ruining everything that they worked so hard for."
    "Do you know Snowflake was my Aunt Charlene's horse?
Since she died, that stubborn horse wouldn't let anyone come close to her or
ride her, but Snowflake let you. I believe if my aunt was here she would want
you to be with Austin," Shane said, ignoring Farrah's last statement.
    "That's your opinion," Farrah said as she
disappeared into the sanctuary of the bathroom. She washed her hands and her
    Stepping out of the bathroom, she was pushed back in there
by Austin. "What do you want?" she whispered.
    Austin pushed Farrah until her back was against the cold
wall and then devoured her lips until she moaned and rubbed her body against
    Reality hit Farrah like a ton of bricks; this was the wrong
place and time. "We can't."
    "Why?" he asked as he kissed her neck.
    Farrah closed her eyes as Austin's tongue nibbled on her
ear. Damn! She couldn't concentrate as his hands pushed her dress up.
    "Austin, this is dangerous," she moaned as he
sucked on her neck. She knew she would get a hickey.
    "Live a little," he whispered roughly against her
ear as he slid a finger into her wet core.
    The tiny bit of control Farrah had went out the window as
Austin slipped two fingers into her pussy.
    Fumbling with his belt buckle, she unzipped his pants, and
his massive cock sprang out. Farrah sucked in her breath as Austin's warm mouth
found her nipples. She moaned aloud when his tongue flicked back and forth,
nearly sending her to heaven as he rubbed her clit. Austin tugged and teased
her clit as Farrah spread her legs wider. She watched as Austin kneeled down
and lifted her legs on his shoulders. He feasted on her as he expertly slurped
and licked her pussy.
    Farrah cried out in pleasure.
    Austin stood and turned Farrah to the wall. "I heard
you talking to Shane, and I want you to know that I know you. You're the love
of my life and my soul mate," Austin's deep voice whispered in her ear.
    Her pussy became wetter as his warm breath made her
    Austin rubbed his dick against Farrah's pussy lips, side to
side as he plunged deep into her pussy, sending shivers down her body with each
stroke. Farrah gripped the cold wall as her legs trembled and threatened to betray
her. Austin covered Farrah's mouth with his hand to keep her from screaming as
he slid his shaft in and out slowly. Farrah moved her hips to his rhythm.
    Austin wrapped his free arm around Farrah as he felt her
body become weak. He increased the tempo of his thrusts.
    Farrah tilted her head back as Austin pumped harder into
her. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. The slapping of flesh to flesh
filled the bathroom. He pressed her breasts against the cold wall as he went
deeper, as if he were drilling for oil.
    Austin grunted as his pumps became frenzied. His thick,
strong hands squeezed her hips. He could feel Farrah's tears rolling down his
hand. As her body went limp in his arms, he thrust one last time before he came
inside her pussy.
    Farrah moved away from Austin. She was trying to catch her
breath. "I

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