Chaos Mortalitus

Free Chaos Mortalitus by Mark LaMaster

Book: Chaos Mortalitus by Mark LaMaster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark LaMaster
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Fantasy
    She stands silently for a moment scanning faces in the crowd until her eyes lock onto mine. "I have prepared this for my husband so here goes. I'm amazed at the world you've built for us, at the forces driving this artist inside you and the beautiful talent you possess. Standing in awe of your exceptional gifts, I am truly grateful to be your wife. Thank you Ash, for being the most wonderful husband a woman could ask for. I know you'll be an even better father!" Angela suddenly reveals as voices and whispering are instantly exchanged by all who have heard the news. "That's right everyone, we're pregnant!"
    Even though I wanted us to give our friends and family the news together, I think Angela handled it just fine; she's great with theatrics. Instantly I feel myself bombarded by friends and family congratulating me and wishing me the best as a new father. This evening has been nothing short of magical, a night I won't soon forget. It's all so wonderful that I'd almost forgotten the madness that has plagued me all day, these visions of things I can't explain. The clock continues to tick against me as I glance at the time, now reading 9:15 P.M. as our guests are getting ready to head home.
    Kalden and I stand at the doorway to the gallery and thank everyone for showing up."Thanks for a great time Ash, keep up the good work and congratulations bud, your gonna' be a great dad." Jason says as he heads out the door, Greg right behind him on the phone.
    "Yes Sir, we are in route now." Greg says finishing his phone call. "Sorry I didn't get to hang out with you much tonight Ash, these government suits have been on my ass all day. Either way, thanks for having us and good luck bro!"
    "You guys be safe tonight, stay outta' harms way!" I call out to them.
    "Comes with the job!" Jason shouts back. "Take care of yourself Ash."
    The two men head toward the parking lot, having a long night ahead of them, longer than either of them could have imagined . Just then David and Naomi show up at the doorway with Angela who takes a place at my side. "Ok Ash we're taking off, thanks for everything, tonight was great." David says as he gives me a hug. "I know you'll be a great dad." He whispers.
    "I had a great time with you Angela, thanks for hanging out with me."
    "Anytime Naomi, call me whenever and we'll have a girl's night."
    Naomi turns her focus toward me. "Your stuff looks great Ash, well done. Good night and be safe you two." She says as she puts her arm around David and they head out into the parking lot as well.
    My father and mother are the last to leave, saying their goodbyes to Kalden and then heading over to Angela and I. My mother immediately begins chatting with Angela about the baby and everything they have to get ready for. My dad pulls me to the side of them. "So it looks like you are going to be a father huh?"
    "Looks like it pop and let's not forget, that makes you a grandfather."
    "Yeah, yeah! I tell you Ash; you've made a proud father out of me. That wife of yours is just amazing and you know your mother has been just waiting for this day. I know you'll do fine son, just fine." My father says fighting back the tears.
    "Thanks pop, I guess I had a great example. You've always been there for me…that's why I have to tell you something."
    "What is it Ash?"
    "I know this may sound weird, but if something should ever happen to me, make sure my son knows how much I love him. Take care of him pop."
    "What do you mean?" My father asks wearing a look of concern. "Is something wrong?"
    "No, I just thought I had to say it dad."
    Staring for a moment, my father raises his hand to my shoulder. "Don't worry son, I'll always be there for you and my apparent grandson."
    "I know it's a boy dad, trust me."
    "If you say so son. I love you Ashton and remember, I'm always here if you need me." My father says as he pulls me in for a hug.
    Angela and I

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