Accidentally on Porpoise

Free Accidentally on Porpoise by Tymber Dalton

Book: Accidentally on Porpoise by Tymber Dalton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tymber Dalton
Tags: Romance MM, erotic MM
have a mate-bond with my mate, Father. You know as well as I do we have no control over that. And what difference does it make if I mate with a human or not? Others in our pod have mated with humans.”
    Joseph Nadel took a few deep, enraged breaths. When he next spoke his voice sounded lower, barely controlled through clenched jaws. “You are the Alpha son of the pod Alpha. You will fucking marry who I tell you to marry. I don’t give a shit about a mate-bond. It’s a human. As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t exist.”
    Emery slowly rose and leaned over the desk, nose to nose with his father. “Fuck. You,” he softly said. “Sean is my mate. He is not an ‘it.’ You and the entire pod can go fuck yourselves.”
    Joseph’s eyes widened in shock as he stood back. “You are my Alpha son! You cannot walk away from a pod that our family has controlled for generations! It is your responsibility to take over and produce an heir to continue our line!”
    Emery didn’t move, didn’t give ground. He had four siblings, three sisters and a brother. He was the eldest child, and none of his siblings were Alphas. He also didn’t give a shit about anything anymore other than Sean. “Maybe it’s time someone else’s family controls it.”
    “Perhaps you don’t understand what’s at stake here. If someone else comes in and challenges for control, the entire pod is at risk. The safety of the members are at risk.” He set his jaw. “Children are at risk.”
    “This isn’t the old times you loved to scare the crap out of me with, Father. Some asshole can’t just go around committing infanticide because he’s now in charge of the pod.”
    “Our pod has remained safe for all these years because of tradition. Because we’ve cared for each other for centuries. You cannot walk away from that.”
    Emery let out a snort. “You’re not getting it. You can’t stop me. Exile me if you won’t accept my mate, but if you force me to choose between the pod and Sean, it’s a no-brainer.”
    He turned and headed for the door, spinning on his heel and jabbing a finger at Emery. “This isn’t over.”
    He left, slamming the door behind him.
    Emery dropped into his chair and blew out a long, relieved breath.
    Well, that didn’t go half as bad as I thought it might.
    He looked at his phone and pulled up the e-mails he’d sent himself with the real estate listings. He picked up his office phone and dialed the phone number in the first listing.
    * * * *
    Joseph Nadel returned to his Lincoln and climbed behind the wheel, slamming the door harder than he intended. He turned to Erik. “He’s infatuated.”
    “I told you, sir.”
    He tried to rein in his rage and pounded his hands on the steering wheel a few times to release the pressure. “This cannot happen. I will not allow it. It will threaten the pod.”
    “I know, sir.”
    He studied Erik. “I know you’re gay, and your motivations in this matter aren’t exactly the purest, but I do appreciate you coming to me with this.”
    “Sir, I won’t lie to you. I love your son. I also understand the traditions. I know how important it is for the pod Alpha’s line to continue. I would have no problem with him being in an arranged marriage to produce an heir to preserve the traditions as long as we have your blessings to still be involved with each other. I would never do anything to interfere with the future of the pod.”
    Joseph took a deep breath before patting Erik’s shoulder. “See, you’re a good man. You know what’s best for the pod and are willing to put your own desires aside for the greater good. I wish you were my son.”
    “I will always put the pod first, sir. Tell me what you want to do. How can I help?”
    “I don’t know. He’s stubborn.” He pointed at Erik. “Not a word of this to anyone else. Especially not to my wife. Do not breathe a word of this to her. Tell Denby to keep his mouth shut about what happened, too. I want you to find out

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