Scandalous Intentions

Free Scandalous Intentions by Amanda Mariel

Book: Scandalous Intentions by Amanda Mariel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Mariel
rakish blush-inducing smirks curving his full lips.
    “Your Grace, Lady Sarah.” Lord Luvington bowed. “It is a pleasure running into you.”
    “Likewise.” Grace grinned at him.
    Sarah tried to calm her hammering heart with a deep breath. She nodded politely. “If you will excuse us, Lord Luvington, we were on our way to the refreshment tent.”
    “Allow me to escort you.” He offered his arm, and Grace took it.
    Lady Sarah squared her shoulders. “I would rather you did not.” She glanced at Grace, hoping for her support. Sarah had made her privy to what transpired between them. Why would she continue to support his endeavor? She should not be pushing the suit.
    “Dear me, this is awkward.” Grace frowned at her. “It is vulgar to be rude, dear.”
    Sarah sighed. “My apologies, Lord Luvington.”
    Grace was correct, but she also knew perfectly well why Sarah wished to avoid him. Could Grace be in cahoots with him? She did spend a great deal of time defending the lord. No matter, it was not as though Sarah could do anything if she were.
    “I am no longer in need of refreshments.” She allowed a smirk. “I will join back with my mother and father. The two of you can go on without me.”
    “Very well, but we shall escort you.” Grace leveled a no-nonsense gazed on her.
    It seemed he had everyone on his side. Sarah forced a small smile. How had a notorious rake gotten so many respectable ladies to champion his cause? “If you insist.” She turned on her heels and headed toward her parents.
    Grace and Lord Luvington kept pace beside her. She snuck a peek at him from the corner of her eye. Why did he refuse to cease his pursuit of her? Perchance he had come to care for her as well. She shook her head, chasing the bird-witted thought away. It was too much to hope for. A rakehell such as himself could never genuinely care for a lady.
    “Might you consider a stroll through the garden, Lady Sarah?”
    She took note of the uncertainty in his tone, and her chest tightened at the vulnerability. Perhaps a short walk would not hurt. Just long enough for her to properly end this charade. Maybe if she allowed him to speak his piece and then begged him off, it would stick.
    “Very well, my lord. But it shall be both short and well-chaperoned.” Heat spread through her cheeks. She must be going mad to have accepted his invitation.
    “I am happy to act as chaperone.” Grace released Lord Luvington’s arm. “I will follow behind and keep within a proper distance.”
    Sarah stepped up, keeping her gaze averted. She did not wish to see any traces of hope in his eyes. This, her acceptance, was no more than a way to end his courtship once and for all. She wrapped her hand around his arm, and a surge of warmth coursed through her. His muscles tensed under her touch. She needed end this nonsense before she lost the will to walk away.
    Lord Luvington led her as they strolled through the maze of hedgerows, neither speaking a word. The warm breeze wrapped around her, only increasing the heat that already spread through her. Her fan threatened to slip palm as she flicked it open. Sarah waved the fan, but its breeze on her face did nothing to cool her.
    Perhaps she should begin the conversation? Surely Grace could no longer hear what they said. Sarah did not care if she could, but Lord Luvington may not agree with her assessment. She glanced at him and nibbled her lower lip. His gaze fixated on a point ahead. If he noticed her peeking at him, he gave no sign.
    She pushed out a sigh as Lord Luvington lead her toward a stone bench nestled among the lush green hedge.
    “Shall we sit for a moment? I wish to explain.” He pressed his arm against her hand then loosened it again.
    She looked away. “Very well. Though I cannot imagine what you might say to change things.” She hesitated for a moment, reluctant to release her grip on him before she lowered herself onto the bench. The stone’s cool exterior seeped through her

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