Fifth Vision of Destiny - Brett

Free Fifth Vision of Destiny - Brett by Kallysten

Book: Fifth Vision of Destiny - Brett by Kallysten Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kallysten
Tags: Romance, vampire, Short-Story, love, seduction, seer
Fifth Vision of Destiny

By Kallysten

    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright © 2010 Kallysten
    All rights reserved. No part of this
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    The right of Kallysten to be identified as
the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
    First Published July 2010
    First Edition
    All characters in this publication are purely
fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.
    Edited by Mary S.

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    Fifth Vision of Destiny –

    When Daisy first met Sam Woods, she had
believed he was a charlatan who preyed on lonely people by
pretending he could show them the love of their life. Later, she
started to wonder if maybe he was genuine, but offered meaningless
visions to his clients. However, after watching four of her friends
go to him, she couldn’t doubt anymore. They had seen something, all
of them, something that had touched them, excited them, maybe even
scared them a little. Something that would change their lives.
    What bothered Daisy now was that, with each
new vision, the spark in Woods’ eyes seemed to dull a little more.
He had never seen his own future, he had said. He had showed
hundreds, thousands of people who they were destined to be with,
but he had never seen his own future partner. How could he bear to
continue doing this, watching others find happiness when he
remained alone?
    Still troubled by what Woods had just told
her, Daisy left the balcony. Shaking her head, she returned to the
dining room where her friends waited. Two of them had gone to Woods
already, in addition to her friends who had already left, and four
more remained. Nothing forced Woods to go through with this, and if
he wanted to torture himself, who was Daisy to stop him?
    “So who’s next?” she asked, her gaze sweeping
over her friends and stopping on Cathleen. “You said you wanted to
    Before Daisy had left the dining room to
check on Mike, Cathleen had been anxious to take her turn, and she
had been commenting on how long it was taking Mike to get his
vision. Now though, Cathleen’s lips curled in a teasing smile as
she looked at Brett. “I do, but Brett wants to go first.”
    Daisy’s eyebrows rose in surprise as she
turned to Brett. “Oh. You do?”
    Brett all but gritted his teeth. Moments
earlier, Cathleen had been on edge while Brett was very relaxed,
serving wine to all of them and making jokes. Now, he seemed
annoyed, almost upset, and he answered in a clipped tone that did
not resemble his usual easy-going nature. “I do.”
    Laughs and chuckles erupted through the
circle of friends. Daisy considered them all, amused. “I have a
feeling I missed something again.”
    Gesturing toward Mike with his empty
glass, Brett threw a nasty look at him. “That idiot came in here claiming he and I end up
    Mike looked absolutely unabashed. “Well, we
might,” he said with a wide smile that gave away he was teasing. “I
told you ages ago that I had a crush on you. Maybe you’ll finally
see the light some day.”
    Brett snorted. “Asshole,” he muttered, but
there was more swagger than real heat

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