Crimson Desire

Free Crimson Desire by Elisabeth Morgan Popolow

Book: Crimson Desire by Elisabeth Morgan Popolow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Morgan Popolow
wonderfully?” She batted her otherworldly long eyelashes.
    She fit the Red Queen perfectly. She was heartless, cruel, and seriously off her rocker-er-throne.
    “You know, Lily, I love having you here. You add so much to my power pool. I think I’ll keep you. Just like a kitten. You’re so cute.” She chuckled and took another swig of ‘alcohol.’
    I mumbled, “Thank you,” and ran to the table with the sweets. Yes! Cake! I piled a bunch of little cakes, tarts, and brownies onto my plate and hurried back to the table to eat them. I was starving and drooling from the decadent aroma of baked goods.
    I started on the chocolate fudge cake first while Sang watched me in interest. He stole a pink tart from my plate and nibbled on it like a bird. Was he not hungry?
    I peered at Annabelle, and she chugged down another one of those blue drinks, her face was rosy red.
    “Lily, Chester…” she drawled and got out of her seat and stepped over to me. “Don’t you disobey me. Don’t you ever disobey me. You’re so lovely, both of you. You’re both mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.”
    Before I could get away, she crouched low, and her lips crushed against mine. Ew! Ew! Ew! They were like satin and were cool, but I couldn’t stand a woman kissing me. I flung my head back, and Annabelle’s knees buckled, and she fell.
    Lord Grey was the first one beside her. He gave me a nasty glare and helped Annabelle to her feet. “Your Highness, I believe that you should retire for the night. Aren’t you exhausted?”
    Her eyes were half-lidded as she nodded and whispered, “Yes, get me to bed please.”
    “You two go back to your chambers. I don’t have the time to deal with you,” he ordered sternly.
    Sang and I gave him a thumbs up, which he sneered at, and he carried Annabelle back to her room. All the people stopped what they were doing, whether eating, drinking, or dancing. They all stood up in unison and were gone before I blinked.
    Sang spoke as low as he could, “Wait till she goes asleep?”
    I smiled. “Definitely.”
    When we were dead positive she slept, Sang and I checked the party to see if anyone still lingered around. When we couldn’t hear or see anyone, I decided now was the time to act.
    “Follow me,” I whispered. I didn’t care we might get caught and what-not. Everything had become quiet, and not a sound was heard except for the occasional owl. With a sigh of relief, I clasped Sang’s hand in mine and sprinted to the stable on silent feet.
    I quickly put Franz’s bridle on. I’d remembered where Kristy grabbed it from my ride with Annabelle. I didn’t have time to put his saddle on. I was scared shitless. I patted the gelding’s neck in admiration before Sang and I jumped on his wide back and took off into the night. I’d wanted to use our vampiric speed, but both Sang and I were incredibly weak from the tiny amount of blood we were given, and so I thought, Hey, why not ride the horses?

Chapter 12
    I sat in front while Sang clung to my waist. He hadn’t ridden a horse for centuries. Franz’s nostrils flared as he galloped at full speed up the craggy mountain, past the dirt trail, and onto a rocky hill through ferns and bushes. Sang’s hands wound tightly around me, and I pushed the horse onward. His breath wafted out as white wisps in the night air, and I trembled, forgetting how cold I was due to being an undead. You kind of overlook it from time to time.
    My vision blurred, and I swayed in my seat, but Sang’s hands held me upright as we continued to ride along our own self-made path. What? Was the tea spiked?
    “Drink my blood.” Sang panted and offered me his wrist. I shook my head and told him that I’d be okay and not to worry.
    My hair whipped in my face, and I felt the adrenaline rush through me. I was terrified of being caught but excited and thrilled to be attempting to run away from a powerful vampiress who ruled almost all of Europe, or at least claimed she did. It sent shivers across

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