Let It Ride

Free Let It Ride by Jillian Burns

Book: Let It Ride by Jillian Burns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Burns
ice cream and look where that had gotten her.
    She was too aware of his large frame moving around, overwhelming the space, overwhelming her senses. She continued to stand there as he unbuttoned his sleeves,rolled them up and washed his hands at the sink. She remembered the feel of them on her breasts and caressing her back, clutching her hips…She swallowed.
    Oh, she was doing it again. She should throw him out. He was only trying to relieve his own guilt. And she didn’t want some pity-lunch.
    Her mother breezed into the kitchen, grinning as if Cole was a regular visitor in their home. While he sliced the tomato, she poured him a glass of iced tea and—there was no other word for it—she flirted. Like a young girl with a teenage crush.
    Jordan watched in utter fascination. She’d never known her dad. He’d left before she was even born. But she suddenly saw her mom as she must have been before she’d been burdened with an unwanted pregnancy and a paycheck-to-paycheck life as a single mother.
    Tammy Lynn Brenner was lovely. Moving in sync with Cole as they put sandwiches together, she dimpled and looked up at him from beneath her lashes. Not overtly sexual, but simply…sensual, yet without guile.
    Jordan found herself sitting at the kitchen table while Mom served her tea and a sandwich as if she were waiting on customers back at the diner in Iowa. Maybe she shouldn’t have moved her mom out here when she got sick. Maybe Jordan should have tried to find a job in Cedar Falls.
    Cole set the bowls of fruit and pasta salad in the center of the table, wiping his hands on a dish towel. “Let’s eat.” He pulled the other chair out for her mother, and then hopped up on the counter with his plate.
    Jordan bit into her sandwich and closed her eyes as her mouth watered. She’d been starving.
    â€œSo, you have finals this week?” Cole asked.
    â€œYes. Tomorrow and Thursday.” And, she hoped, by Friday she’d know how she’d done.
    â€œWhat’s your major?”
    â€œComputer Science. I hope to find something in programming or IT support.”
    As he asked her more, she told him about how she’d researched the market before deciding on a career field and how a few years ago the number of IT companies in Vegas had increased. But now, she might have to look in other cities. The subject changed to the once booming housing market in the suburbs, and how it seemed to have dropped off in the past couple of years, forcing many military families out of rentals that were being foreclosed.
    Every few moments she’d sneak a peek at Cole. Watching him eat was torturous. His mouth closing around the sandwich, his jaw muscles tightening as he chewed. She shouldn’t be this captivated. But his firm thighs covered by tight jeans were right in front of her and she found it impossible to stop her gaze from straying to the significant bulge between them.
    He cleared his throat and she glanced up into his eyes. He knew she’d been staring at his crotch. Her cheeks burned. Oh, please let the earth swallow me up now .
    â€œDid you want to play, too?” her mom asked.
    Jordan blinked. “I’m sorry. What were we talking about?”
    â€œTammy and I are going to play some Gin,” Cole answered.
    â€œOh.” Jordan checked the time. “I’m sure Cole has other things to do.” If she weren’t such an idiot she’d have gone back to the bedroom and studied instead of wasting time drooling over some smooth operator. “But you and I can play, Mom.” With a longing glance at her class notes, she stood and stacked the plates. “As soon as I do these dishes, okay?”
    Cole jumped off the counter as she rose. “I’ve got these.” He took the plates from her and grabbed the silverware with his other hand. “Why don’t you go study?” The unwavering look in his eyes softened as he flashed that devilish

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