Gail Eastwood

Free Gail Eastwood by A Perilous Journey

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Authors: A Perilous Journey
faintly. The earl’s motions were causing the most remarkable sensations to travel up her arms. In her weakened state she was afraid her body might begin to shake all over. She could not seem to unlock her gaze from his.
    “Tea should be here directly,” he said softly. He released her hands then and rose to pace away from the hearth and back again. He stopped and looked first at Gilbey, then at Gillian.
    “I suppose that the name Kendall is as much a fiction as your relationship as cousins?” His tone was gentle but strained, leaving Gillian with the impression of tightly reined control.
    She glanced at Gilbey and saw that he had colored to his ear tips. She knew that she was flushed as well, from the tingling in her face. How should they answer? Gilbey’s eyes met hers and the twins stared at each other for a moment. Then Gilbey swallowed nervously and faced the earl.
    “I suppose we should make a clean breast of things, my lord. We owe you that, for all your assistance—that much and a great deal more. Rest assured we will repay you.”
    “I have not helped you in expectation of repayment,” Brinton said tightly. “However, I do feel I have a right to know whom I have been helping, and why.”
    Gillian toyed with the gloves in her lap. She could not bring herself to look at Brinton. Better to let Gilbey handle the confrontation, she thought. She was so tired, and she wasn’t sure she could stand to see the look of disapproval that might come over Brinton’s face when he learned their story.
    Legally, she and Gilbey had no right to defy their guardian. Brinton might not see the justification for what they were doing and might even be angry that they had involved him. Yet, when had she suddenly become such a coward? She must have faced her father’s disapproval a hundred times for various antics, and never had it bothered her. What made this so different? Defiantly, she lifted her chin and turned to the earl.
    “Our family name is Kentwell,” she began. “Gilbey and I are twins if you can believe it,” she added with a brittle little laugh. “We live at Cliffcombe, in the South Hams, not far from Kingsbridge. Or should I say, we did.” Emotion was threatening to defeat her brave attempt. “My brother is the Viscount Cranford,” she finished quickly, looking away.
    A wave of pain washed through her like a breaker tumbling stones on the beach at home. She had given up so much! She put a clenched fist to her lips and closed her eyes to banish the images of faithful servants and her dog, Hector, no doubt bereft and puzzled by her absence. She must not think of them. She must look only ahead.
    The earl and her brother were shaking hands. “Not so well met as might be usual, eh, Cranford?” Brinton said.
    “Unusual circumstances, to say the least,” Gilbey agreed. He aimed an encouraging smile at his sister.
    “So, you have run away from home?” Brinton prompted.
    “Yes,” the twins replied in tandem. As they paused to see which one would take up the narrative, they were interrupted by a quick rap on the door.
    “Devil take it,” said Brinton under his breath. As he went to the door, he cast a meaningful glance at Gillian, who realized she ought to get up.
    “What?” the earl fairly barked at the boy who stood outside. The lad held a bucket of steaming water in each hand. “Oh,” Brinton said somewhat sheepishly, backing up. “Right through here—the tub is set up in the other room. Tyler will show you.” He nodded pointedly at Gillian.
    Gillian led the boy through, grateful for the earl’s presence of mind.
    “Just leave the buckets,” she told the boy in a gruff voice. “I’ll see to them.” She escorted him back into the outer room.
    Brinton tossed the lad a shilling and saw him out. As soon as the door closed, Gillian blurted, “Who is Tyler?”
    Brinton smiled. “Tyler is my valet at home.”
    “And where is your home? We know as little about you as you know about us!” Her

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