Something True

Free Something True by Malia Mallory

Book: Something True by Malia Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Malia Mallory
their job. Yes, it’s bullshit, but it’s compromise, too. Not a lot. A tiny amount.”
    “We don’t need them,” Sean said.
    “Maybe. Maybe not. But you have a contract. A good one. A favorable one. I say diddle with a few of the tracks and send them back. It’ll be a done deal and we can all gear up for the tour.”
    “It’s stupid,” Liam said.
    “It’s business,” David countered. “Now let’s order some lunch.”
      ~ * ~ * ~
      “Stupid suits. It’s all ridiculous.” Liam rubbed the back of his neck.
    “If you really don’t want to …” Shelley wasn’t sure how to comfort Liam. Lunch with his agent had clearly put him in a bad mood.
    Liam sighed. “I don’t, but it’s probably not the time to draw more attention to the band. The label is already on edge about Rob.”
    “I’m sorry, Liam.” Now didn’t seem like the time to bring up the phone call from Pinky whatever her name was the other day.
    Liam paced back and forth. “David’s right. A few little changes will probably be enough.”
    “It’s going to be great. The fans will love it.” Shelley had heard the recordings and thought they were terrific.
    “I hope so.” Liam turned toward the counter. “What the hell?” He picked up the magazine and swatted it back down. A large portion of the cover was taken up with a photograph of him with the girl from the boat. “Where did this come from?”
    “It was in my mailbox.” Shelley intended to toss it in the trash, but hadn’t yet.
    “Shelley, I can explain this. We went for a sail. I told you about that. That girl. I don’t even know her name. She grabbed me.”
    “Liam, I’m not upset about the picture. I mean I am, but probably not for the reasons you think.” When she first saw the picture, her breath froze for a moment, but then the details of the picture came into focus.
    “What do you mean?”
    “It’s obvious you’re irritated. Look at the expression on your face. Her arms are around you, not the other way around. Your hand is on her shoulder and it looks almost like you are pushing her away.”
    “I was. I never even saw who took the picture.”
    “Yeah, I don’t think you did anything wrong. I mean, we don’t have any understanding, but I don’t think you’re with that woman.”
    Liam flipped the magazine over, hiding the picture. “We absolutely have an understanding. We’re dating. I’m not seeing anyone else. I don’t want you to see anyone else, either.”
    “Oh, wow.” Shelley’s lips parted in surprise.
    “So, if it isn’t that woman, then what?”
    “You know a reporter called me about that? She wasn’t nice.”
    “Who was it?”
    “It doesn’t matter. If it hadn’t been her, it would be someone else. You deal with this every day. Paparazzi, fawning women, crazy fans, gossip rags. I don’t know if I have it in me.”
    “I try not to let it get to me.”
    Shelley threw up her hands. “It isn’t that easy, Liam.”
    Liam rubbed his forehead with his fingers. “I don’t have that much control over what others do, Shelley.”
    “I’m not blaming you. It’s not a question of blame.”
    “We can try to minimize it, but with a new album and the tour, people are going to be looking at me—at the band. In fact, the label, publicists, everyone is going to be promoting. There are going to be interviews, some of which I can control, but—”
    “Liam, stop. It’s okay. We’ll see how it goes, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I have misgivings. My life is pretty quiet. I don’t really have groupies.”
    “I beg to differ. I’m totally your groupie.” Liam smiled and pulled her into his embrace. The conflict evaporated as quickly as it had come.
    Shelley laughed. “Okay. You can be my groupie.”
      ~ * ~ * ~
      Liam handed Rob a beer. “Rob, listen. Sean and I wanted to talk to you.”
    “About what?” Rob took a long drink from his beer bottle.
    “No biggie. We got word that the label would like a few changes in the

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