
Free Darkmouth by Shane Hegarty

Book: Darkmouth by Shane Hegarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Hegarty
waiting for his reaction, willing it to be positive. “Interesting,” said Finn because he reckoned he should say something.
    Mr. Glad opened a wooden drawer and lifted out a brass microscope. He placed it on his desk and opened a cap on its lens before giving it a once-over. “I used to move around a bit. It was the best of times, it was the bloodiest of times, and all that,” he said. “Soon neither of us might be needed by anyone. Unless you plan to keep us in business.”
    He paused for a moment, before slapping his knees in an unexpectedly cheery gesture. “But such is the small price of a great victory! Now let’s take a look at this diamond, or whatever it might be, before we get chewed up by nostalgia.”
    Mr. Glad placed an edge of the crystal just below the lens. The only sound was the rattle of his breath as he examined it.
    â€œWell, it’s not a diamond, I can tell you that right away,” he announced, sitting back and inviting Finn’s father to have a look. “I don’t believe that diamonds dance like that, do you?”

    F inn’s father squinted into the lens and then beckoned Finn over so that he too could peer in. Deep within the crystal, Finn could see strands of a pure white light dashing gracefully across the lens. It was quite beautiful.
    â€œI don’t know for sure what it is, but it’s new to Darkmouth,” said Mr. Glad.
    â€œNew?” said Hugo as if the word tasted bad. “When it comes to Legends, new is never good.”
    â€œNever. Most of the time,” said Mr. Glad.
    Finn looked down at his feet, thinking about the first crystal he had found, the one that was currently tucked away in his underpants drawer.
    â€œIs this the only one that’s come through, Hugo?” Mr. Glad asked as Finn’s father took another look.
    â€œYou sure?” Mr. Glad was looking at Finn, who felt aflush of guilt. Mr. Glad’s eyes were like a microscope on his conscience.
    â€œYes,” Finn answered, trying not to let his voice squeak in betrayal.
    â€œWell then,” Mr. Glad said, slowly breaking eye contact with Finn, “I’ll hold on to it, if that’s okay with you, Hugo, and run a few tests.”
    â€œFine with me,” Finn’s dad answered, his fist pressed into his chin as he thought through this unwelcome twist in what should have been a standard hunt. “There was something else too. Another gateway.”
    â€œWhat do you mean?” asked Mr. Glad.
    â€œA second gateway while we were dealing with the Hogboon. It was just a small one, judging by the scanner, and wasn’t open for more than a few seconds. No Legend could have come through.”
    Mr. Glad rubbed the wisp of his beard with the back of his hand. “They might have been trying to get in another way, but something went wrong. We haven’t seen too much of that recently, but it isn’t unheard of for more than one gateway to open at the same time. Remember that plague year we had?”
    â€œOf course. I’m still getting the stains out of my fighting suit,” said Hugo. “But it’s been years since thatkind of thing happened in Darkmouth.”
    A hush fell over the room, broken only by the clang of swaying implements hanging in the shop out front.
    â€œOh, one other thing, Glad,” said Finn’s father, seeming to suddenly remember something of importance. “There are a few bits and pieces I need to get from you for a project I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. Finn, you have a look around. I’ll just be a minute.”
    Finn wandered the room while his father and Mr. Glad got on with their business. He pretended not to be interested in what they were talking about, but kept an ear on the conversation. Unfortunately, he could only hear snatches.
    â€œ. . . progress . . . ,” he heard his father say.
    â€œ. . . energy source . . . ,” he

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