A Girl Named Summer

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Book: A Girl Named Summer by Julie Garwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
“Are you sure you don’t want to run with me every day? We could pace each other and—”
    “No,” she interrupted, inwardly grimacing at the sound of panic in her voice.
, she berated herself. “I do better when I’m alone,” she lied.
, she thought.
I am a disgusting, lying
…“I’d better go inside,” she added. “It’s late and I like to get up and uh…exercise first thing in the morning.”
    “I had a good time tonight. I’m glad you invitedme.” He carried her towel to the front door and handed it to her. “I’ll call you tomorrow after work.”
    “Great,” Summer whispered. She knew he was going to kiss her and tilted her head back. He didn’t disappoint her. The first touch of his lips sent tremors racing down her legs. It was a perfect kiss, not awkward or clumsy.
    After David left, Summer went to her bedroom. She wasn’t sure if she walked or floated up the stairs. She was in love! For the first time in her life she knew what loving someone was all about. It was heaven and it was torture. The race! She had lied to David. He would find out soon enough, when she fell flat on her face after the first twenty paces, and then what would he think of her? How could he possibly love a lying, no-good cheat? It would be so easy to blame Regina, but Summer was honest enough with herself to admit that she had willingly gone along with the fabrication.
    The problem had to have a solution. Didn’t Grandpa say that often enough? A good night’s sleep and she would be clearheaded. Answers would come with the morning sun. On that positive thought, Summer went to bed, hugging her pillow tightly, pretending it was David.
    “So much for positive thinking,” Summer muttered the following morning. She had been up for hours and still not a single plan of action presented itself, and Regina’s phone call didn’t help matters. She actually suggested that Summer start shopping for something to wear to the dumb race!
    In desperation, Summer decided to confide in her grandfather. She knew he would never betray her confidence. Besides, he would probably forget what she told him before the day was out. And more important, she did value his opinion. He was a wise man. He would think of some way for her to save face and get out of the race. She was sure of it.

Chapter 8
    “W hat do you mean, I ‘better get in shape’?” Summer stammered. She leaned against the workbench and decided to try again. “Grandpa, you don’t understand. I want you to help me think of a way to get out of the race. Not get ready for it!”
    Grandpa finally gave her his full attention. He placed his hammer on the table and sat on the edge of the chipped oak chair he was going to refinish someday. “What are you telling me, girl? That you’re a quitter before you’ve even begun?”
    “There isn’t enough time,” Summer argued. “And I’m not in shape for this, mentally or physically. I’m…puny.”
    “Nonsense, child. You’ve got the long legs; you’re thin…Why, you’re the spitting image of what a runner should be.”
    “No buts about it. You’ve asked my advice, Summer. Now listen to me. You could do it. Now, don’t shake your head that way. You could do it. But you have to want it bad enough. And you have to work.
    “Most important, you have to want it for you, not for David, not for me…not for anyone but yourself. I’ve never known you to be a quitter before, Summer. It’s a trait the Irish don’t abide.”
    “I’ve never tried anything like this before,” Summer muttered. “I don’t care if I win or not, I just don’t want to look like a complete fool.” There, the truth was out. Summer felt better just saying the words. She was always worried about what other people thought. Was that so terribly wrong? “Grandpa, I wish…”
    “I’m waiting,” her grandfather returned patiently.
    “Maybe I could give it a try.”
    “And I’ll help you,” he replied.

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