A Girl Named Summer

Free A Girl Named Summer by Julie Garwood

Book: A Girl Named Summer by Julie Garwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
minute of it. After all, David was her date, and he seemed to be having a good time. If only he wouldn’t talk so much about the stupid race.
    When they finished eating, David took hold of her hand and pulled her over to a lounge chair. The two ofthem were all alone, sitting side by side. He continued holding her hand, rubbing the palm with his thumb as he watched the crowd of people.
    “Do you like my friends?” she asked.
    “All but that Terry guy. He’s kind of a jerk,” David said.
    “Why do you think so?”
    “He was telling a group of girls about all the trophies he’s won in football,” he answered. “It sounded like he was exaggerating.”
    “Well,” Summer said, “he probably was exaggerating a little to get the girls’ attention.”
    “You shouldn’t lie, no matter what,” he answered. His statement was so firm. A knot was forming in Summer’s stomach, and she began to wish she hadn’t eaten anything. It would really be tacky to throw up on her third—and probably last—date with the boy of her dreams.
    “Honesty is really important to you, isn’t it?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
    “Yeah,” David answered. “You feel like swimming again?”
    I feel like drowning myself
, she wanted to answer. “No, I’m waterlogged.”
    “Let’s get our stuff and go for a drive before you have to be home, okay? Just the two of us,” he whispered.
    “Okay,” Summer answered, smiling. Why not, she asked herself. She might as well have one, wonderful, romantic evening with David before he dropped herfor good. When he found out she was nothing but a lying, deceiving creep, he would never talk to her again!
    She sighed in frustration as she gathered her towel and swimsuit. David went to thank Ann for inviting them, and Summer trailed behind, stopping to say good-bye to Regina and Gregg. When she caught up with David, Ann was beside him, doubled over with laughter. David looked like the cat that ate the canary.
    “What’s so funny, Ann?” Summer asked, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice.
    “David!” Ann replied, wiping the tears from her eyes with a lacy bit of cloth. She was the only girl Summer knew who carried around a real hankie. Everyone else used tissues, but not Ann. Probably had perfume on it, too, Summer decided, after she watched Ann wave it in front of David’s nose a couple of times. “He’s just been telling me the funniest joke.”
    So that was why David looked so pleased, Summer thought. Ann laughed at his jokes.
Chalk one up for Ann
, Summer thought with another sigh. She certainly did know how to make a boy feel good, and Summer decided that she was batting zero in that department. She hadn’t laughed at any of his jokes, didn’t think they were the least bit funny, and had lied through her teeth about running. And he had to be such a fanatic about telling the truth!
What a mess I’ve gotten myself into
, she thought.
What a huge mess!
    “Why are you frowning?” David asked on the way to the car.
    Tell him now
, an inner voice demanded.
Just explain it was all a silly mistake. Maybe he’ll forgive you
    “Nothing,” she whispered. “I’m just relaxing.”
    David took hold of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
    They drove around the park in comfortable silence and then stopped at Dairy Delight. Summer sipped a chocolate shake and watched David down two hot fudge sundaes.
    They talked about his family and hers on the way home, and all too soon they were parked in front of Summer’s house. It was time to end the charade, she decided. She was going to tell him the truth, go inside, and cry herself to sleep.
    “David, about the race…”
    He responded by giving her his full attention and his heart-stopping smile. She promptly lost her train of thought, noticing for the first time the tiny silver flecks in his eyes. And his teeth, they were so white and even—a dentist’s dream, she thought.
    “I’m really excited about it,” he said.

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