The Banshee's Revenge (The Banshee's Embrace Trilogy)

Free The Banshee's Revenge (The Banshee's Embrace Trilogy) by Victoria Richards

Book: The Banshee's Revenge (The Banshee's Embrace Trilogy) by Victoria Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Richards
I hear some days. Most of the time I can turn off these stupid emotions, but now…with this thing inside me, everything is out of whack."
    This thing? Toby's heart sank a little. What mother called their child a thing?
    "I can help you," Toby said. "I know how to now."
    "You do?"
    "Yes." He couldn't resist any longer and pulled her into his arms, closing his eyes. "You can get control of your powers and still retain your humanity. It's still inside you."
    "That's what my father said, too."
    "Your father?" He pulled away slightly to see her better. "I thought he died a long time ago."
    "Not my adopted father. My biological one. He came to me, Toby. He wanted me to understand, but I think everything is just more complicated." She massaged her forehead. "Merlin says I was part of some prophecy.  That he slept with my mother because it was preordained."
    A cold chill went through Toby. Merlin was her father. That meant…Gwydion was her brother.
    "Are you sure?" he asked, anxious. "It wasn't another entity playing a trick?"
    "No. I believe it to be the truth."
    He pulled her close again, hiding the anguish he felt over this revelation.
    "Well, he's right about one thing. You can be saved. It won't be easy." Toby breathed in the soft scent of her hair and relished the familiarity of her body against his. "You'll need all your strength, so our first step is getting you to rest."
    "Alright, Toby," she whispered, her breath warm against his neck. "Guide me on what to do. I'll do anything you ask."
    He hoped that was true. Because when the time came, what he would ask of her would be tough. He thought about the deal he'd made with Morrigan and wondered if he'd made the right decision in light of this new information about Jacqueline's father.
    Regardless, it was too late now. There was no going back.
    "I want you to wear this." He pulled away and dug into his jean pocket. A moment later, he held up a silver necklace with a small dangling charm. "This is very old, been in my family a long time. My father told me about it once, but he made it sound like a legend. Recently, a friend found it and gave it back to me."
    "What is it?" Jacqueline reached out and took the necklace. The light in the room caught the silver metal causing it to shine. "It's really beautiful."
    "It's called Morrigan's Kiss." Toby admired the curving lines of the charm that twisted and snaked together to form an uneven heart. "It's special."
    The goddess herself had given it to him the evening before, along with a little background on his family history that he'd been unaware of. But that was information that he couldn't reveal yet. Not if he wanted to save Jacqueline.
    He couldn't help but wonder if Morrigan knew that Merlin was Jacqueline's father.
    If so, that made the deal he'd agreed to riskier than he'd expected. His own books had been very clear on the fact that Morrigan and Merlin had a long, volatile history. At the time, it had never occurred to him that it might matter.
    But now…
    "What does the charm do?" Jacqueline asked.
    "It's supposed to help the wearer see things clearly," Toby explained.
    She slipped the silver necklace around her neck and turned so he could work the clasp. His hands brushed against her skin. It would be so easy to romance her into his bed once again, to make love to her with the passion they once shared.
    "Thank you." Jacqueline turned and he saw the same undisguised need in her eyes. "For everything."
    To hell with it, he decided. They were finally in the same room after months of being apart. Toby didn't want to be restrained any longer.
    Reaching forward, he gently kissed her, feeling her lips part slightly. She kissed him back, tentative at first, and then with more urgency. She ran a hand through his hair, and then pushed him down on the bed.
    A little taken back but delighted none the less, Toby grinned as she perched on top of him, studying his features as he'd studied hers earlier.
    "You haven't been sleeping." She ran

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