Annihilation (Star Force Series)

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Book: Annihilation (Star Force Series) by B. V. Larson Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. V. Larson
    “Have you tried plugging the hole?” I asked.
    “Of course. Unfortunately, the hole is large and the pressure difference between our ocean depths and open space is too great to withstand for any material we’ve put in place.”
    I questioned him then on the precise depth and size of the hole in their ocean. From those numbers, I knew our people could calculate the amount of pressure that was involved. Without getting into the math, I was able to estimate that it would be tremendous, more than enough to fold foot-thick steel like tinfoil.
    Really, they were talking about suction . On one side of the ring in question there was open space. On the other side was a deep, dark ocean. The water at that depth was crushing in the extreme. When faced with a hole, very little friction, and a vast pressure difference, the water must have been gushing through with fantastic force. Probably, wherever it was coming out, it was a spectacular sight. It would turn instantly into ice and form a long, frozen stream like a glittering comet’s tail that grew steadily in space.
    “How did the hole in your oceans come to exist?” I asked.
    “The Macros opened it. Is this not obvious?”
    “Yes,” I said thoughtfully. “I suppose it is. But I thought your people and the Macros had a treaty and were cooperating.”
    “During our last battle, we took certain tactical steps that the Macros found unacceptable. They are still technically allies, but they are actively seeking ways around their agreements.”
    I thought about it. The Crustaceans had operated as marines in our recent battles. They’d played the role my own troops had when we’d been working for the Macros. As I went over their actions in my mind, I figured out what he was talking about.
    “You mean they are upset with the way you handled yourself in the Eden system? I recall you attempted to retreat, and then finally surrendered your forces to us. The Macros don’t like allies that surrender, right?”
    “Correct. The Macros found these actions unacceptable and contrary to our prior agreements. If you ever find yourself serving the machines, know that you have been forewarned.”
    I snorted. I probably knew more the topic that Hoon did. Star Force had begun its forays into deep space in the belly of a Macro transport. I’d been a mercenary leader then, nothing else.
    “I know all about the ruthless nature of the machines,” I said. “We served them in the past, before we threw off our slave yokes and rebelled. They used my men like machines, ordering us to attack world after world. They’d planned from the start to grind us down until we were all dead.”
    “In this rare instance, our experiences have been similar.”
    “Let’s get back to our problem and what we can do to help. Possibly, I can use my ships to evacuate your population. How many individuals do you have on Yale?”
    “Approximately one trillion.”
    My mouth dropped open, and it was a second or two before it closed again. “A trillion ?” I asked.
    “Approximately. Our young are numerous, and quite small. Unfortunately, they are more vulnerable to changes in heat in pressure than are our adults.”
    “I see,” I said. I envisioned clouds of young the size of brine shrimp. “Tell me Hoon, how long do we have? How long until these environmental changes become intolerable to your species and your young begin to succumb?”
    “The process you describe has been on-going for many days. Our population was nearly two trillion a few weeks ago.”
    I was staggered. They’d lost hundreds of billions of lives already? The evil of the Macros was overwhelming.
    At the same time, I felt guilty. They’d suffered so much already, and I’d been about to bomb them myself. In a moment of emotion, I’d ordered my ships to unload on their dying civilian populations. Were a few insults and a hundred lost human ships worth that kind of slaughter?
    It was a troubling question. But I felt I knew the answer:

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