Read Bottom Up

Free Read Bottom Up by Neel Shah

Book: Read Bottom Up by Neel Shah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neel Shah
think all babies should be born Japanese and then some stay because, hey, you gotta have Japanese people. Uh, anyway . . .
    Excited for tonight, too! Mostly to meet David’s barely legal date. Related: We need to find Emily a dude. Keep your eyes open.
    Off to an author lunch where I will try to eat lightly in preparation for duck.
    xoxox M


    Â Â Â Â  Elliot

    Jun 19, 10:06 PM

    Jun 19, 10:07 PM

    Jun 19, 10:07 PM
    Â Â Â Â  Elliot

    Jun 19, 10:11 PM

    Jun 19, 10:11 PM

    Jun 19, 10:12 PM

    Jun 19, 10:31 PM

    Jun 19, 10:32 PM

    Jun 19, 10:32 PM

    Jun 19, 10:32 PM

    Jun 19, 10:32 PM
    Â Â Â Â  Elliot

    Jun 19, 11:08 PM

    Jun 19, 11:11 PM
    Â Â Â Â  Elliot

    Jun 19, 11:14 PM


    Subject: Merci
    From: Madeline Whittaker
    Date: Fri, Jun 20 at 8:45 AM
    To: Emily Roberts
    . . . thanks for coming last night. Do I owe you one? Why do I feel like I owe you one?
    Subject: Re: Merci
    From: Emily Roberts
    Date: Fri, Jun 20 at 12:30 PM
    To: Madeline Whittaker
    You owe me more than one. Or one very big one. WHO WAS THAT SKANK? You know how I hate to turn on our own kind but . . . At one point while you were making cooking-sex-face (“Oh, is that how you whip vanilla beans into cream? Go faster, Elliot . . .”) I got trapped talking to David and that girl. Is she an actual stripper? You know she showed me what was in her pocket at one point and I was 100% prepared for her to whip out a sex toy and instead she was like: HERE’S THE PINK LEATHER-BOUND BIBLE I CARRY WITH ME EVERYWHERE I GO.
    Whatever. I shall recover from one night of vapid conversation but it’s a shame because . . . I don’t really know David well enough to say that he could do better but isn’t he a lawyer or something? He is kind of cool and vaguely non-heinous-looking. Too bad he and Fluffy the Bible Thumper had their hands down each other’s pants (IN A KITCHEN WITH AN “A” FROM THE DEPT. OF HEALTH, NO LESS).
    Subject: Re: Merci
    From: Madeline Whittaker
    Date: Fri, Jun 20 at 12:48 PM
    To: Emily Roberts
    I am dying laughing.


    Â Â Â Â  David

    Jun 20, 10:02 AM

    Jun 20, 10:22 AM
    Â Â Â Â  David

    Jun 20, 10:54 AM
    Jun 20, 10:55 AM

    Jun 20, 11:22 PM


    Subject: (no subject)
    From: Madeline Whittaker
    Date: Sun, Jun 29 at 7:23 PM
    To: Elliot Rowe
    Hey, so just got an email from MOMA (I’m a member) and it looks like that Matisse exhibit, which is supposed to be great, closes next week. Should we go get our culture on this Saturday??
    Subject: Re: (no subject)
    From: Elliot Rowe
    Date: Sun, Jun 29 at 8:15 PM
    To: Madeline Whittaker
    A chance to put that art history class I took in college to use! But can’t do Saturday—working lunch shift . . .
    Subject: Re: (no subject)
    From: Madeline Whittaker
    Date: Sun, Jun 29 at 8:34 PM
    To: Elliot Rowe
    Ah, bummer.
    I have a work dinner Tues (blah) and then a coworker birthday Wednesday (more blah), but free tomorrow. Let me know what your schedule’s like this week.
    Subject: Re: (no subject)
    From: Elliot Rowe
    Date: Sun, Jun 29 at 10:34 PM
    To: Madeline Whittaker
    Do you mean for MOMA or for just hanging out in general?
    Subject: Re: (no subject)
    From: Madeline Whittaker
    Date: Sun, Jun 29 at 10:49 PM
    To: Elliot Rowe
    MOMA would be great, but

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