The Return of the Watchers (Armageddon Rising Book 1)

Free The Return of the Watchers (Armageddon Rising Book 1) by Denny Bennett

Book: The Return of the Watchers (Armageddon Rising Book 1) by Denny Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denny Bennett
more zealous and polarized. Many considered what was going on in the world, with the economy, crime, depravity of humans, and natural disasters, to be a sign of the end times, and they felt that evils such as genetic engineering were one of the spokes in the wheel. Perhaps they had a point; however, Dorian thought it best to avoid confrontation, so he found his way into the lab through the adjoining building that shared access from the lower levels.                                                                                                   By the time he managed to get to the third floor, protestors were in the lobby, pushing their way onto the staircase as the security personnel held them back. He made a bee line straight for his office, when he saw that his office door was ajar. Folders were strewn across his desk and on the floor, all of the desk drawers were open, and papers were scattered everywhere. “Who are you to play God?” was sprayed across the wall-mounted cork board that held recently published research articles. His cell phone rang at that moment. It was Kasia.                                                                       “I don’t know if you’re going in the lab today, but if you’re planning to you might want to find something else to do,” she said in her happy-go-lucky tone.                                                                                                    “I’m here right now. Someone’s ransacked my office. Are you in the lab?” he asked, fumbling for his key to the lab door.                                           “I was just outside. Now I’m in the hallway to the adjacent building, making my way through the back,” she replied. The echo of her footsteps reverberated though the phone.                                                                       Dorian inserted his key and turned it to unlock the door, but it was already unlocked. At first glance, nothing appeared to be broken, but he wasn’t taking any chances. After looking around in the dim daylight, he had gone back to turn on the lights when Kasia opened the door, almost smacking him in the face.                                                                                                   “Easy,” he said, stopping the door with his foot before any damage was done.                                                                                                                               “Sorry, I didn’t know you were there. What the heck is going on? No one told me we were this popular,” she said, seeming a bit excited by all the commotion.                                                                                                                 “Get that, will you?” he asked, nodding towards the bank of light switches. “I’m not entirely sure this is about us; there's six other researchers in this building alone, and it could be any one of us they're protesting. Someone managed to get into my office. I found graffiti sprayed on one of the walls,” he said, stepping over piles of paper and trash.                                                                                                                

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